Characterization of the multiscale composite scaffolds
(A) Scanning electron microscopy images of the composite scaffolds.
(B) Fluorescence (I–III) and white light (IV) stereomicroscopic images of the composite scaffolds. GA-MS was stained green by FITC and GM-alg was stained red by rhodamine.
(C and D) Confocal fluorescence microscopy images of the GA-MS/GM-alg composite scaffolds. GA-MS was stained with FITC and GM-alg was stained with rhodamine (C I). Chondrocytes encapsulated in GA-MS within the scaffolds were labeled with Cell Tracker Red CMTPX Dye (D I). Interactive 3D surface plots (C II, D II) were converted from confocal fluorescence microscopy images (C I, D I).