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. 2023 Aug 1;13:12425. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-39636-y

Table 3.

Direct and total effects estimated in the PLS-SEM model (Only significant structural relationships are reported, t > 1.96).

Hypothesis Path coefficients Original Estimates Bootstrap mean Bootstrap SD t 2.5% CI 97.5% CI Results
Direct effects
H1: Light exposure-related behaviors—> Chronotype
H1 LEBA B1—> PT  − 0.25  − 0.22 0.08  − 2.91  − 0.36  − 0.01 Supported
LEBA B2—> PT 0.20 0.19 0.07 3.03 0.06 0.31
LEBA B2—> RT 0.17 0.17 0.06 2.69 0.04 0.29
LEBA B2—> RI 0.14 0.13 0.06 2.22 0.01 0.25
LEBA B3—> PT  − 0.22  − 0.23 0.05  − 4.13  − 0.33  − 0.12
LEBA B3—> MA  − 0.12  − 0.12 0.06  − 2.09  − 0.23 0.01
LEBA B3—> RT  − 0.25  − 0.25 0.05  − 4.61  − 0.36  − 0.15
LEBA B3—> RI  − 0.23  − 0.24 0.06  − 3.96  − 0.35  − 0.12
LEBA B5—> PT 0.15 0.15 0.06 2.34 0.02 0.27
LEBA B5—> MA 0.14 0.14 0.07 2.02 0.00 0.27
LEBA B5—> RT 0.15 0.14 0.07 2.15 0.01 0.27
H2: Light exposure-related behaviors—> Mood
H2 LEBA B2—> PA 0.33 0.33 0.05 6.32 0.22 0.42 Supported
LEBA B5—> NA 0.19 0.18 0.09 2.13  − 0.02 0.34
H3: Light exposure-related behaviors—> sleep quality
H3 LEBA B3—> PSQ 0.13 0.13 0.06 2.21 0.01 0.24 Supported
LEBA B5—> PSQ  − 0.16  − 0.15 0.06  − 2.57  − 0.27  − 0.03
H4: Mood <  =  > Sleep quality
H4 PA—> PSQ  − 0.19  − 0.19 0.06  − 3.05  − 0.30  − 0.06 Supported
PA—> SE 0.21 0.21 0.07 3.00 0.07 0.34
NA—> PSQ 0.28 0.29 0.06 4.97 0.18 0.40
PSQ—> PA  − 0.29  − 0.29 0.05  − 5.39  − 0.39  − 0.18
PSQ—> NA 0.37 0.38 0.05 7.17 0.27 0.48
SE—> PA 0.21 0.21 0.05 3.84 0.10 0.31
H5: Chronotype—> Sleep Quality
H5 MA—> PSQ  − 0.21  − 0.20 0.06  − 3.43  − 0.32  − 0.09 Supported
H6: Sleep quality—> memory and concentration
H6 PSQ—> Memory 0.13 0.14 0.06 2.27 0.02 0.25 Supported
PSQ—> Concentration 0.22 0.23 0.06 3.87 0.11 0.31
H7: Mood—> Memory and Concentration
H7 NA—> Memory 0.37 0.36 0.06 6.30 0.25 0.47 Supported
NA—> Concentration 0.32 0.31 0.06 5.75 0.20 0.42
H8: Chronotype—> Memory and Concentration
MA—> Memory  − 0.13  − 0.14 0.06  − 2.27  − 0.25  − 0.02
MA—> Concentration  − 0.11  − 0.11 0.06  − 2.05  − 0.22 0.00
H9: Light exposure related behavior—> Memory and concentration
H9 Details are provided Supplementary Table 5 Not Supported
Total Effects
Hypothesis Path coefficients Original Est Bootstrap Mean Bootstrap SD T Stat 2.5% CI 97.5% CI Results
H10: LEBA to Sleep quality
H10 LEBA B3—> PSQ 0.20 0.20 0.06 3.41 0.08 0.32 Supported
LEBA B5—> PSQ  − 0.18 −0.18 0.07  − 2.53  − 0.31  − 0.03
H11: LEBA to memory and concentration
H11 LEBA B3—> Memory 0.20 0.19 0.06 3.17 0.06 0.31 Supported
LEBA B3—> Concentration 0.23 0.23 0.06 3.82 0.11 0.34