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. 2023 Jun 10;38(7):830–839. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czad037

Table 1.

Baseline socio-economic and treatment characteristics of TB patients, Nepal 2019

Socio-economic characteristics n (%)
Sex, n (%)
Male 147 (67)
Age, mean (SD) 48 (16)
Completed education, n (%)a
No education 146 (66)
Basic school 42 (19)
Secondary school 33 (15)
Occupation, n (%)
Farmer 39 (18)
Manual labour 47 (21)
Unemployed 60 (27)
Others 75 (34)
Patient income quartile, n (%)
Poorest 94 (43)
Moderately poor 19 (9)
Average 54 (24)
Wealthiest 54 (24)
Household income quartile, n (%)
Poorest 69 (31)
Moderately poor 44 (20)
Average 58 (26)
Wealthiest 50 (23)
Source of drinking water, n (%)
Piped 74 (33)
Others 147 (67)
Toilet facilities, n (%)b
No toilets 41 (19)
Public sewerage 6 (3)
Others 173 (79)
Access to electricity, n (%) 202 (93)
Assets, n (%)
Mobile/phone 200 (92)
Refrigerator 31 (14)
Television 122 (56)
Radio 76 (35)
Bicycle 144 (66)
Motorbike 44 (20)
Livestock 156 (71)
Treatment characteristics n (%), mean (SD)
Treatment status, n (%)
New 214 (97)
Retreatment and relapse 7 (3)
HIV status, n (%)
Positive 2 (1)
Negative 153 (69)
Unknown 66 (30)
Hospitalization during pretreatmentc, n (%) 28 (13)
Hospitalization during treatment, n (%) 3 (1)
Number of visits to health providers, pretreatmentc, mean (SD) 3.7 (2.2)
Type of service visitedd, n (%)
Public health centres/hospitals 413 (52)
Private clinics/hospitals 213 (27)
Otherse 172 (21)
Number of visits to health providers, treatment, mean (SD) 2.2 (1.3)
Treatment characteristics n (%)
Type of services visitedf, n (%)
Public health centres/hospitals 411 (87)
Private clinics/hospitals 26 (5)
Othersd 36 (8)

Total sample = 221.


Basic schools = primary level/lower secondary level (1–8 years of education).


One missing data.


Seven patients were excluded from the analysis.


One visit was missed.


NGOs and informal providers such as pharmacists and traditional healers.


Thirteen missing data.

HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SD, standard deviation.