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. 2023 Jul 3;15(7):e41327. doi: 10.7759/cureus.41327

Table 1. Cases of COVID-19-associated chorea.

M: Male

F: Female

RT-PCR: Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction

CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid

PCR: Polymerase chain reaction

CRP: C-reactive protein

ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

SWI: Susceptibility-weighted imaging

SPECT: Single-photon emission computed tomography

Author Age/Gender Symptom onset Clinical features Lab results Imaging Treatment Outcome
DeVette et al. [8] 8 y.o. F Two weeks after parents tested positive for COVID-19 Hemichorea of right arm and leg, behavioral changes, and gait instability RT-PCR positive for COVID-19, elevated anti-streptolysin-O, anti-DNase-B Normal Valproate Continued to have chorea at one-month follow-up
 Ray et al. [9] 9 y.o., Not available 14 y.o., Not available Not available Not available CSF studies not performed; SARS-CoV-2 IgG positive Not available No immunomodulation Not available
Yuksel et al. [10] 14 y.o. F Three days after being diagnosed with COVID-19 Bilateral shoulder shrugging, choreiform movements in all four limbs, and bilateral milkmaid's grip. History of Sydenham’s chorea three yrs ago (resolved with haloperidol) Iron deficiency anemia  Normal Carbamazepine Chorea improved by the seventh day of admission
Byrnes et al. [11] 36 y.o. M Four days prior to COVID-19 diagnosis Homeless male with generalized chorea and mild encephalopathy Decreased lymphocytes, SARS-CoV2 CSF PCR negative Bilateral medial putamen and left cerebellar hyperintensities on T2-weighted imaging IVIG, methylprednisolone Chorea improved by day 15 with complete cessation by day 22
Hassan et al. [4] 58 y.o. M Not known Chorea in hands and feet SARS-CoV-2 positivity in CSF, Leukocytosis, elevated CRP, D-dimer, and ferritin Mild periventricular ischemic changes Methylprednisolone, amantadine, risperidone Improved by day 14
Ghosh et al. [12] 60 y.o. M 36 hours after onset of fever, cough, throat ache, malaise Right-sided hemichorea-hemiballismus Capillary glucose 540 mg/dL, ketonuria, metabolic acidosis, elevated ESR, CRP Left striatal hyperintensity on T1-weighted imaging Insulin for diabetic ketoacidosis Complete resolution at six-month follow-up
Ramusino et al. [13] 62 y.o. M Two days prior to COVID-19 diagnosis Generalized chorea in all four limbs, head, and trunk. Mild encephalopathy  CSF PCR negative for SARS-CoV-2 Hypointense signal in the dorsolateral portion of putamen bilaterally on SWI sequence Tetrabenazine, haloperidol Resolution of chorea after two months from onset
Ashrafi et al. [3] 62 y.o. F  Two weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis Choreiform movements in all limbs, predominantly on the right side  Elevated ESR, CRP Normal Tetrabenazine Improvement seen; duration not available
Ashrafi et al. [3] 67 y.o. F Three months after COVID-19 diagnosis Random involuntary choreiform movements in her face and all four limbs, with right arm dominancy Normal Damaged bilateral basal ganglia Tetrabenazine Improvement seen; duration not available
Revert Barbera et al. [14] 69 y.o. F Before Mild right hemiparesis, generalized choreiform movements, seizures, and diffuse encephalopathy Elevated D-dimer Bilateral capsuloganglionic and thalamic infarcts. Also, with venous thrombosis of the left lateral sinus, straight sinus, and vein of Galen  Anticoagulation with enoxaparin for sinus thrombosis Fatal from a hemorrhagic transformation of the left thalamic infarct
Our patient 91 y.o. F 14 days after the onset of flu-like symptoms Choreiform movements in the face and all four limbs with left-side dominance Normal Normal Tetrabenazine Chorea improved 90% at one-month follow-up
Salari et al. [1] 13 y.o. M  Seven days after vaccination Large amplitude choreiform movements on the right side Normal Multiple white matter lesions, one lesion enhancing with gadolinium Intravenous methylprednisolone and tetrabenazine Chorea improved at one-month follow-up
Salari et al. [1] 18 y.o. M  Seven days after vaccination Choreiform movements affecting the left, shoulder, and mildly in the left leg Normal Few nonspecific white matter lesions Intravenous methylprednisolone and tetrabenazine Persistent chorea at one-month follow-up
Matar et al. [6] 88 y.o. M 16 days after vaccination Choreiform movements in the left arm, leg, and face Normal Chronic small vessel ischemic change Intravenous methylprednisolone Resolution within 24 hours of steroid initiation
Matar et al. [6] 84 y.o. M 40 days after vaccination Choreiform movements of left upper and lower limbs Normal Chronic small vessel ischemic change Intravenous methylprednisolone Resolution after three days of steroid initiation
Ryu et al. [7] 83 y.o. M One day after vaccination Choreiform movements affecting the right arm, and leg Normal Normal MRI, Brain SPECT with decreased perfusion in the left thalamus Haloperidol Resolution at two-week follow-up