Figure 3.
Circadian rhythms of maternal blood pressure and heart rate (HR) during late gestation in rats treated with ODN2395 or saline vehicle. A: mean systolic (blue) and diastolic (gold) blood pressures during treatment window [gestational days (GD) 14–19] for saline (top) and ODN2395 (bottom) cohorts. B: mean heart rate during treatment window (GD14–19) for saline (black) and ODN2395 (red) cohorts. Blue (systolic) and gold (diastolic) inverted triangles (A) represent significant acrophases of respective blood pressures; while black (saline) and red (ODN2395) inverted triangles represent significant acrophases of HR circadian rhythm. Acrophases denote the time of maximum value (peak) and were calculated by Lomb–Scargle periodogram analysis performed on continuous 24-h raw data with a resolution of 5-min bins. Lack of inverted triangle indicates no significant circadian rhythm detected. Vertical black bar denotes end of measurement window (midnight, GD20). Gray vertical bars represent dark hours (active phase). Shaded area flanking data points represent standard error; n = 7/group. Trend lines were estimated by loess smoothing specifying an α of 0.4. BPM, beats/min; ODN, oligodeoxynucleotides.