Fig. 4.
Some of the contact changes correspond to the differential transcription in ΔPOZ. (A) Dotplot on transcription changes in ΔPOZ wing imaginal discs; HCR shows different expression level of tsh (yellow) (B) and tio (magenta) (C) and quantification (D) in wing imaginal discs of Halo-Trl WT (n=8) and ΔPOZ (n=11); The scale bar in B is 50μm; Boxplot in D are represented as mean ± SD; (E) Genome elements within tsh-tio loci Purple (TE): tethering elements; Orange (WDE): Wing disc dorsal hinge enhancer; Cyan (WVE): Wing disc ventral hinge enhancer; Black (EE): Embryonic enhancer; (F) Chromatin loop brings tio to distant enhancer through Trl/GAF POZ domain; (G) Loss of POZ domain disrupt the loop and reduced tio transcription. Blue arrow: active transcription; Green arrow: enhancer activates targe gene; Yellow arrow: chromatin remodeling.