Question | Response Option | Numbera |
1. What is your role in the treatment chain for oncology? There are several roles that may apply. Please check all that apply. |
26 |
2. Does PRO data impact decision making when considering one therapy over another? | Yes/no; if yes, rank the following 1-6:
26b |
3. How is the evaluation process different for PRO data included in postmarketing trials vs. registration trials? | Select the best response:
24 |
4. How frequently do you use PRO study data for risk-sharing agreements/risk-sharing schemes? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “never” and 7 means “always” | 24 |
5. What is the level of importance of PRO data for market access for new oncology treatments in your health care system? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “not important” and 7 means “extremely important” | 23 |
6. To what extent do PRO label claims increase your likelihood of paying for a treatment? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “never” and 7 means “always” | 23 |
7. Which has more impact on decision making for a new treatment, PRO data in the label or PRO data in a peer-reviewed publication? | Indicate label or publication | 23 |
8. How important is full validation of the PRO measures in your use of PRO information in decision making? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “not important” and 7 means “extremely important” | 23 |
9. To what extent do data collected through PROs that have been newly developed and may not have full validation influence your decision making? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “not important” and 7 means “extremely important” | 23 |
10. What characteristics should a PRO measure for a treatment in oncology have in order to support market access and HTA? | Select all that apply and rate by level of importance:
23 |
11 a. Are you aware of oncology products that received favorable reimbursement decisions because of PRO data? | Yes/no; if yes, please indicate | 21 |
b. Conversely, are you aware of examples of oncology products that did not receive a favorable reimbursement decision because they did not include a PRO? | ||
12. a. How useful are PROs collected postprogression for an oncology therapeutic? | Please rate on a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “not at all useful” and 7 means “extremely useful” | 21 |
b. How long should postprogression data be collected? | ||
13. In what types of cancers would it be most useful to collect PRO data while the cancer is progressing? |
20 |
14. What type of data (PRO or other types of data) would be convincing for supporting reimbursement of oncology treatments that have stopped preventing the cancer from progressing (postprogression)? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “not important” and 7 means “extremely important”:
20 |
15. How influential are the following sources of PRO data for market access decision making? | Please respond using a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 means “no impact at all” and 7 means a “very high impact” to market access decision making
20 |
16. If you impart one piece of advice for pharmaceutical manufacturers with respect to communicating PRO evidence to payer decision makers, what would it be? | 20 |
aNumber of respondents who answered the question.
bTwelve participants responded “yes” and provided a ranking.
ASCO = American Society of Clinical Oncology; CNS =central nervous system; FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration; HRQOL = health-related quality of life; HTA = health technology assessment; PRO = patient-reported outcome.