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. 2016 May;22(5):10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.5.467. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.5.467
Ethnic indicator
  English (British)
  Hispanic (Spanish)
  African American
  All others
Language preference
Estimated household income
   < $15,000-$19,999
   ≥ $10,0000
Dual Income Index
  A statistical model predicting a household's likelihood to have more than 1 income. The value of 0 indicates a household to most likely have dual incomes
  and 9 being the most likely to have a single income
Census 2010 socioeconomic score
  A socioeconomic score indicating whether a particular geographic unit (i.e., block group) is higher than or equal to the U.S. norm, which is 100, as
  reported by the Census Bureau. The scores range from 60-170 and are created by assigning weights to the household income, educational attainment,
  occupation and home value
    0- ≤ 69
    70- ≤ 79
    80- ≤ 89
    90- ≤ 99
     ≥ 100
Net worth indicator
  Estimate of a household's total financial assets minus liabilities
    $0- ≤ $69,000
    $70,000- ≤ $79,000
    $80,000- ≤ $89,000
    $90,000- ≤ $99,000
     ≥ $100,000
Census 2010 percentage of mobile homes
  Percentage of persons living in a mobile home reported by the Census Bureau
     ≥ 40
Home Value at ZIP 4 level
  An average value of the properties in the area with an assessment of area-level comparisons coded at a ZIP+4 level
     ≥ $300
Homeowner status
  Compilation of known and modeled fields indicating the property ownership status of the household
    Probable homeowner
    Probable renter
Number of children in household
Number of adults in household
Number of persons in household
Presence of elderly parent
Presence of college graduate
Census 2010 education level
  An indicator derived from the highest level of education attained by individuals 25 years or older as reported by the Census Bureau
    Less than 9th grade
    Less than 12th grade
    High school diploma
    Some college
    Associate degree
    Bachelor degree
    Graduate degree
    Professional school degree
    Doctoral degree
Family position
  Indicator of an individual's position in the household based on age and gender
    Spouse, husband or wife
    Head of household, male/female
Length of residence
  Compilation of fields indicating the length of time the household has been reported at the address
     ≥ 40
Online access
  Field indicating the household has online access
Buyer and interest categories
Health & fitness
  An individual within the household purchased health products from online or offline catalogs
  An individual within the household purchased travel from online or offline catalogs or a retail store and has interest in international as well as domestic
  Indicates an individual within the household has an interest in casino gambling
  An individual within the household purchased pets or pet products from online or offline catalogs or a retail store or owns a cat or a dog
Leisure activity
  Indicates an individual within the household has an interest in boating/sailing/fishing/gardening/golf/gourmet/foods/hunting/motorcycling/photography/wines, recreational vehicles.
Living well
  A demographic-based analytical model which predicts an individual's attitude or perception about their health
  Leading the way
  In it for fun
  Value independence
  I need a plan
  Not right now
  Get through the day
Mindbase 2.0 Group
  Variable that categorizes a person's buying habits
  At capacity
  Rock steady
  Down to earth
  Measure twice
Census 2010 percentage of blue collar employed
  Percentage of the population which is employed in a blue-collar industry as reported by the Census Bureau
     ≥ 40
Census 2010 percentage of white collar employed
  Percentage of the population which is employed in a white-collar industry as reported by the Census Bureau
     ≥ 80
Diet model rank
Over-indulgent (alcohol) model rank
Health model rank
No exercise model rank