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. 2016 Mar;22(3):10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.3.246. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.3.246


Correlations of Relief and Satisfaction by Natural/Behavioral Therapy and Laxative Agent at Baselinea

Satisfaction with Treatmentb with Laxativec Relief Experiencec
Probiotics (n = 202) -0.73d
Natural diet change (n = 299) -0.72d
Increased fluids (n = 350) -0.74d
Increased exercise (n = 130) -0.74d
OTC fiber supplements (n = 88) -0.55d
OTC stool softeners (n = 132) -0.59d
OTC osmotic laxatives (n = 84) -0.70d
OTC stimulant laxatives (n = 145) -0.62d
OTC saline laxatives (n = 47) -0.80d
OTC rectal options (n = 35) -0.68d
Rx osmotic laxatives (n = 47) -0.67d
Rx lactulose (n = 39) -0.74d
Rx Amitiza (n = 9) -0.95d
Rx Relistor (n = 2) -1.00

aSpearman’s correlations are inversely related due to response patterns, as shown in item wording.

b“How satisfied were you with <treatment> for your constipation? Very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.”

c“How well did <treatment> relieve your constipation? No relief, slight relief, moderate relief, complete relief.”

ddP < 0.001.

OTC = over-the-counter; Rx = prescription.