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. 2016 Jul;22(7):10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.7.808. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.7.808
Variable Values
Age Integer (65-89)
Patient gender Male, female
Race White, black, Hispanic, other
Region Northeast, Midwest, South, West
Plan type HMO, PPO, other
Rx-Risk-V Integer (0-33)
Hypertension Y/N
Hyperlipidemia Y/N
Diabetes Y/N
Congestive heart failure Y/N
Joint disorders Y/N
Muscle weakness/movement disorders Y/N
Mental disorders Y/N
Glaucoma Y/N
Glaucoma surgery Y/N
Glaucoma-related eye exam Y/N
OAG diagnosed by ophthalmologist Y/N
Number of pharmacies used Integer
Number of physicians seen Integer
New user Y/N (N = continuing user)
Mail ordera Y/N (N = retail)
Prescriber gendera Male, female
Prescriber specialtya- Ophthalmologist, optometrist, other
Formulary tiera 1, 2, other
Prescription sourcea Written, fax, phone, electronic, other
Pre-index medical costs Continuous (log adjusted)
Pre-index pharmacy costs Continuous (log adjusted)

Note: Bold items retained in final model.

aBased on index IOP-lowering medication prescription.

HMO = health maintenance organization; IOP = intraocular pressure;

LIS = low-income subsidy; OAG = open-angle glaucoma; PPO = preferred provider organization; Y/N = yes/no.