Pharmacist Intervention Model, with 3 Types of Clustering: Intervention Target, Intervention Nature, and Stage
Intervention Number | Intervention Category | Clarification | Target | Nature | Stage |
1 | Admission reconciliation |
HCP | A | OA |
2 | Patient counseling on admission |
Pt | P | OA |
3 | Pharmacist is part of medical team |
HCP | P | DA |
4 | Medication review |
HCP | P | DA |
5 | Patient counseling during admission |
Pt | P | DA |
6 | Discharge reconciliation |
HCP | A | AD |
7 | Patient counseling at discharge |
Pt | P | AD |
8 | Supplying patient with discharge letter |
Pt | A | AD |
9 | Transmission to next HCP |
HCP | A | AD |
10 | Patient-centered follow-up |
Pt | P | PD |
11 | HCP-centered follow-up |
HCP | P | PD |
12 | Extra postdischarge follow-up |
Pt | P | PD |
13a | Tailored interventions |
Pt | P | SI |
14a | Provision of adherence aids |
Pt | A | SI |
15a | Dispensing or logistics aids |
Pt | A | SI |
a Interventions 13-15 were not bound to a certain stage and were therefore scored as stage independent.
A = administrative; AD = at discharge; DA = during admission; HCP = health care provider; OA = on admission; P = professional; PD = postdischarge; PIM = pharmacist intervention model; Pt = patient; SI = stage independent.