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. 2015 Oct 16;21(8):10.18553/jmcp.2015.21.8.614. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2015.21.8.614
Pharmacist Intervention a
Study Author/Date 1 2 3 4 b 5 6 7 8 9 10 c 11 12 13 14 15
Al-Rashed et al., 200258
Barker et al., 201237 H
Bolas et al., 200438
Dudas et al., 200136 T
Englander et al., 20146 1
Farris et al., 201459 T
Gillespie et al., 200910 3 T
Gwadry-Sridhar et al., 200512 2
Hawes et al., 201460 C
Holland et al., 200539 H
Holland et al., 200740 H
Jack et al., 200941 T
Koehler et al., 200942 3 T
Kripalani et al., 201213 2 T
Lipton and Bird, 199443 T
Lisby et al., 201044 1
López Cabezas et al., 200645 T
Makowsky et al., 200946 3
Naunton et al., 200347 H
Nazareth et al., 200148 H
Rainville, 199949 3 T
Schmader et al., 200450 3
Schnipper et al., 200651 3 T
Schnipper et al., 200952 3
Scullin et al., 200753 3
Spinewine et al., 200711 1
Stewart et al., 199854 H
Stewart et al., 199855 H
Stowasser et al., 200256
Triller et al., 200757 H

a Pharmacist intervention; number according to the pharmacist intervention model (Table 1).

b Medication review levels: 1 = prescription review, 2 = adherence support review (with patient present), 3 = clinical review, 4 = clinical review with prescribing.

c Patient-centered follow-up: C = clinic visit, H = home visit, T = telephone call.