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. 2017 Sep;23(9):10.18553/jmcp.2017.23.9.936. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2017.23.9.936


MPR and PDC in P+ and P+ Augmented with LRx

P+ Only P+ Augmented with LRx P Value
Mean MPR % (SD)
All patients (N = 965,785) 76.7 (27.1) 79.4 (26.2) < 0.001
Patients new to statinsa (n = 186,063) 58.7 (33.0) 61.4 (33.2) < 0.001
Mean PDC % (SD)
All patients (N = 965,785) 74.0 (26.0) 76.0 (25.2) < 0.001
Patients new to statins (n = 186,063) 56.5 (31.6) 58.5 (31.6) < 0.001

aNew to statins using a 12-month washout and the P+ augmented with LRx data.

LRx = IMS longitudinal pharmacy point-of-sale prescription claims database; MPR = medication possession ratio; P+ = PharMetrics Plus claims database; PDC = proportion of days covered; SD = standard deviation.