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. 2016 Sep;22(9):10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.9.1064. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.9.1064


Epidemiology Parameters for a 1 Million-Member Hypothetical Health Care Plan

Model Population Parameter Commercial Population Medicare Advantage Population
Frequency, % Patients, n Frequency, % Patients, n
Hypothetical plan membership   1,000,000   1,000,000
Prevalence of chronic HF 1.0a 10,000 16.0b 160,000
    Chronic HF patients with systolic chronic HF 52.9c 5,290 52.9c 84,640
        With normal sinus rhythm 66.8d 3,534 66.8d 56,540
        With normal sinus rhythm and NYHA Class II to IV 88.3d 3,120 88.3d 49,924
        With normal sinus rhythm and NYHA Class II to IV with heart rate of ≥ 70 bpm 61.3e 1,913 61.3e 30,604
Incidence of chronic HF 0.1 1,000 3.1 31,000
    Chronic HF patients with systolic chronic HF 52.9c 529 52.9c 16,399
        With normal sinus rhythm 66.8d 353 66.8d 10,955
        With normal sinus rhythm and NYHA Class II to IV 88.3d 312 88.3d 9,673
        With normal sinus rhythm and NYHA Class II to IV with heart rate of ≥ 70 bpm 61.3e 191 61.3e 5,929
Total patients eligible for treatment (prevalent + incident populations)   2,104   36,533

aChamberlain AM, Redfield MM, Alonso A, Weston SA, Roger VL. Atrial fibrillation and mortality in heart failure: a community study. 12

bCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries. Chartbook: 2012 edition. 13

cOwan TE, Hodge DO, Herges RM, Jacobsen SJ, Roger VL, Redfield MM. Trends in prevalence and outcome of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. 14

dFonarow GC, Albert NM, Curtis AB, et al. Improving evidence-based care for heart failure in outpatient cardiology practices: primary results of the Registry to Improve the Use of Evidence-Based Heart Failure Therapies in the Outpatient Setting (IMPROVE HF). 15

eStudy of Anemia in a Heart Failure Population (STAMINA) registry (N = 1,090) from June 24, 2002, to July 11, 2003. bpm = beats per minute; HF = heart failure; NYHA = New York Heart Association.