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. 2019 Sep;25(9):10.18553/jmcp.2019.25.9.1001. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2019.25.9.1001


Unadjusted Medication Adherence and Duration of First-Line Therapy

All (N = 3,888) Latanoprost (n = 1,296) Travoprost (n = 1,296) Bimatoprost (n = 1,296) P Valuea (Latanoprost vs. Travoprost) P Valuea (Latanoprost vs. Bimatoprost) P Valuea (Travoprost vs. Bimatoprost)
MPR, mean ± SDb 47.3 ± 26.7 50.1 ± 26.8 48.8 ± 26.8 43.0 ± 26.1 0.179 < 0.0001 < 0.0001
Adherence status, n (%)c,d
  Adherent 554 (14.3) 205 (15.8) 203 (15.7) 146 (11.3) 0.913 0.001 0.001
  Nonadherent 3,334 (85.8) 1,091 (84.2) 1,093 (84.3) 1,150 (88.7)
Duration of first-line therapy (days),b,e mean ± SD 358.4 ± 236.1 371.5 ± 249.3c 360.7 ± 235.0 342.9 ± 222.4 0.239 0.003 0.046

aSignificant at P < 0.05 (in bold).

bPaired t-test.

cMcNemar’s test.

dAdherence was defined as ≥ 80% MPR.

eTime from initiation of PGA to discontinuation of therapy.

MPR = medication possession ratio; PGA = prostaglandin analog; SD = standard deviation.