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. 2016 Jun;22(6):10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.6.699. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2016.22.6.699


At-Risk Populations and Benefits Addressed by Evidence-Based Community Pharmacy Services Designed to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease

Study Population at Riska Benefits of Service (Indicators)
Social Health Patient Behaviors Determinants of Behavior Environmental Conditions and Behaviors of Environmental Agents
Ali M, et al.23 Individuals with type 2 diabetes, HbAlc > 7%, under oral hypoglycemic treatment (100%); age: 66.4 (SD: 12.7) HbA1cb; FCG levels; hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia episodes; SBP levels; HDL-C levels; health status Knowledge about diabetes; beliefs about medicines
Amariles P, et al. 10,22 Individuals with moderate or high cardiovascular risk (100%); hypertension (88.0%); uncontrolled hypertension (67.1%); dyslipidaemia (71.3%); uncontrolled dyslipidaemia (57.6%); overweight/obese (80.7%); age: 63.0 (SD: 8.3) BP controlb; TC controlb; SBP levels; TC levels
Bouvy ML, et al.32 Individuals with heart failure under treatment with loop diuretics (100%); myocardial infarction (56.8); age: 69.1 (SD: 10.2) Adherence to loop diureticsb
Eussen SR, et al.30 New users of statins (100%); unhealthy diet (53.0); physical inactivity (62.0); age: 60.2 (SD: NS) Adherence to statinsb
Fornos JA, et al.11 Individuals with type 2 diabetes under oral hypoglycemic treatment (100%); age: 62.4 (SD: 10.5) HbA1cb; FCG levels; SBP levels; TC levels; DRP Knowledge about diabetes
G arcao JA, et al.27 Individuals with primary hypertension under antihypertensive treatment (100%); uncontrolled hypertension (76.0%); age: 66.5 (SD: 8.2) BP controlb; SBP and DBP levelsb
Krass I, et al.24 Individuals with diabetes, HbA1c above normal threshold, under oral hypoglycemic treatment or insulin (100%); hypertension (70.0%); dyslipidemia (61.0%); age: 62.0 (SD: 11.0) Patient’s quality of lifec HbA1c levelsb
Maguire TA, et al.33 Smokers, expressing a wish to stop smoking; age: 42.0 (SD: NS) Cease smokingb
Mehuys E, et al.25 Individuals with type 2 diabetes, under oral hypoglycemic treatment; overweight/obese (100%); age: 63.0 (SD: NS) FPG on targetb Self-management activities’1 Knowledge about diabetes Satisfactory adjustments in oral hypoglyce-mic treatment
Sarkadi A, et al.26 Individuals with diabetes, under oral hypo-glycemic medication or insulin for less than 2 years (100%); age: 66.4 (SD: 7.9) HbA1c levelsb,e
Sookaneknun P, et al.28 Individuals with primary hypertension under antihypertensive treatment (100%); uncontrolled hypertension (77.1%); age: 63.2 (SD: 9.3) SBP and DBP levelsb Adherence to antihypertensive treatment; practice regular exercise
Tsuyuki RT, et al. 34,35 Individuals at high risk of coronary heart disease (with previous CVD or diabetes with 1 or more cardiovascular risk factor; 100%); age: 64.2 (SD: 12.2) Cholesterol risk management
Vrijens B, et al.31 Individuals under treatment with atorvastatin (100%); age: 61.9 (SD: 9.9) Adherence to statinsb
Zillich AJ, et al.29 Individuals with uncontrolled hypertension under antihypertensive treatment (100.0%); dyslipidaemia (50%); age: 64.0 (SD: 11.1) DBP levelsb

aOnly those conditions in which prevalence in the study sample was higher than 50% are mentioned.

bPrimary outcome variable as specified by the study authors.

cEQ-5D health-state scores.

dPhysical exercise and foot care.

eImprovements in HbAlc levels were observed 1 year after the end of the intervention but not immediately after its delivery (intervention length: 1 year).

fAccording to study authors’ definition, cholesterol risk management addressed: performing fasting cholesterol panel, addition of cholesterol-lowering medication, adjustments in treatment.

BP = blood pressure; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; DRP = drug-related problems; FCG = fasting capillary glucose; FPG = fasting plasma glucose; HbAlc = hemoglobin Alc; HDL-C = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NS = not specified; SBP = systolic blood pressure; SD = standard deviation; TC = total cholesterol.