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. 2018 Jun;24(6):10.18553/jmcp.2018.24.6.514. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2018.24.6.514


Summary of Model Inputs

Input Rib + Let Let Monotherapy Pal + Let Reference
  PFS, HR, mean (95% CI)a 0.560 (0.460-0.680) Data on fileb
  OS, HR, mean (95% CI)a 0.840 (0.492-1.345) 0.840 (0.492-1.345)
  OvR, OR, mean (95% CI)a 1.807 (1.320-2.520) 1.400 (1.040-1.890)
  PFS 1.010 (0.730-1.390)c Data on fileb
Drug acquisition costs per month, $
  CDK 4/6 inhibitor 600 mg: 10,950 10,963 18, data on filee
400 mg: 8,760
200 mg: 4,380d
  Letrozole 8f 8f 8f 18
Disease management costs per month, $
  Outpatient visit 47 214 17, 20
  Bone metastases management 160 342
  Hospitalization 272 703
  Monitoring (LFT, CBC, and CMP) 15
  Laboratory scan and tests 420
  Bone scan 54
  CT scan 139
  Palliative care 4,521
Rib + Let Let Monotherapy Pal + Let
Add-on treatment costs, $
  Monitoring at treatment initiation 138 42 37, 38, data on fileg
  Monthly monitoring 22 11
End-of-life costs, $ 2,392 20, data on fileg
AEs, probability, %
  Diarrhea 1.2 0.9 1.7 6-8
  Fatigue 2.4 0.9 2.3
  Infection 4.2 2.4 4.4
  Nausea 2.4 0.6 0.6
  Febrile neutropenia 1.2 0.0 0.4
  Pulmonary embolism 0.0 0.3 5.0
  Vomiting 3.6 0.9 0.4
  Anemia 1.2 1.2 5.5
AEs, unit cost, $
  Diarrhea 7,377 17, 24, 39
  Fatigue 6,908
  Infection 10,128
  Nausea 6,182
  Febrile neutropenia 21,156
  Pulmonary embolism 10,036
  Vomiting 5,246
  Anemia 6,777
Health-state utility values, mean (SE)
  PFS Data on fileg 26
    CR/PR 0.837 (0.007)
    Stable disease 0.830 (0.006)
  PD 0.443h
AE disutility valuesi
  Diarrhea -0.060 6
  Fatigue -0.029
  Infection -0.050
  Nausea -0.021
  Febrile neutropenia -0.012
  Pulmonary embolism -0.050
  Vomiting -0.050
  Anemia -0.029
Discounting rate, % 3.000 28

aVersus letrozole monotherapy.

bData on file, Analysis Group, Systematic literature review and network meta-analysis of clinical trials in the first-line setting for advanced HR+/HER2- breast cancer, 2017.

cVersus palbociclib plus letrozole; used as a surrogate outcome to generate time-to-treatment discontinuation for palbociclib plus letrozole.

dThe model estimates the number of patients on each dose over time using data from MONALEESA-2. This is modeled using the distribution of doses received and the median time to dose reduction during MONALEESA-2. All patients initiate therapy at the 600 mg dose. Between month 0 and the median time to reduction (5.0 months in the base case), the proportion of patients at the 400 mg or 200 mg doses increases at a linear rate. After the median time to reduction, the dose distribution is held constant until the end of the time horizon.

eData on file, Novartis, e-mail communications, 2016.

fWAC price of $8; however, with a copayment of $11, the acquisition cost is reduced to $0.

gData on file, Novartis, Clinical study report: a randomized double-blind, placebo controlled study of LEE011 in combination with letrozole for the treatment of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive, HER2-negative, advanced breast cancer who received no prior therapy for advanced disease, 2016.

hStandard error was not reported by Lloyd et al. (2006);26 the model assumes that the standard error is equivalent to 10% of the mean utility.

iA duration of 30 days was applied in each case.

AE = adverse event; CBC = complete blood count; CDK 4/6 = cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6; CI = confidence interval; CMP = comprehensive metabolic panel; CR = complete response; CT = computerized tomography; HR = hazard ratio; Let = letrozole; LFT = liver function test; OR = odds ratio; OS = overall survival; OvR = overall response; Pal = palbociclib; PD = progressed disease; PF = progression free; PFS = progression-free survival; PR = partial response; Rib = ribociclib; SE = standard error.