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. 2019 Sep;25(9):10.18553/jmcp.2019.25.9.957. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2019.25.9.957


Unadjusted Episode-Level Health Care Resource Utilization, Stratified by Pain Severity

Resource Category Mild (n = 40,697) Moderate (n = 16,550) Severe (n = 13,469)
All-cause resource use
  Frequency of use post-index, %
    ED visits 23.7a,c 30.4c 38.5
    Outpatient visits 97.3d 97.9 97.6
    Hospitalizations 9.9a,b 11.7b 11.0
    Outpatient prescriptions filled 83.4a,c 90.2c 92.1
  Units used PPPM, mean (SD)
    ED visits 0.13 (0.36)a,c 0.17 (0.42)c 0.22 (0.48)
    Outpatient visits 1.91 (1.68)a,c 2.10 (1.78) 2.07 (1.69)
    Length of hospital stay, days 0.39 (2.13)b,d 0.44 (2.17) 0.46 (2.31)
OA-related resource use
  Frequency of use post-index, %
    ED visits 1.2a,c 1.9c 3.3
    Outpatient office visits 29.0a,c 35.6c 38.2
    Hospitalizations 4.5a 5.8c 4.8
  Units used PPPM, mean (SD)
    ED visits 0 (0.04)a,c 0.01 (0.06)c 0.01 (0.10)
    Outpatient visits 0.20 (0.61)a,c 0.28 (0.76) 0.27 (0.64)
    Length of hospital stay, days 0.16 (1.32)b,d 0.19 (1.42) 0.20 (1.55)

aP < 0.001 versus moderate.

bP < 0.05 versus severe.

cP < 0.001 versus severe.

dP < 0.05 versus moderate.

ED = emergency department; OA = osteoarthritis; PPPM = per patient per month; SD = standard deviation.