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. 2018 Mar;24(3):10.18553/jmcp.2018.24.3.214. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2018.24.3.214


Characteristics of Patients with at Least 1 Opioid Prescription Fill at a Rhode Island Retail Pharmacy in 2015 (N = 197,062)

Characteristica n (%)
  Female 110,001 (55.82)
  Male 87,043 (44.17)
Age group, years
  < 18 5,995 (3.04)
  18-24 15,327 (7.78)
  25-34 27,302 (13.85)
  35-44 27,738 (14.08)
  45-54 37,155 (18.85)
  55-64 38,372 (19.47)
  ≥65 45,173 (22.92)
Payment method
  Commercial insurance 114,654 (58.18)
  Medicare 43,213 (21.93)
  Cash 19,476 (9.88)
  Medicaid 15,767 (8.00)
  Otherc 3,952 (2.01)
Most recent opioid dispensed
  Hydrocodone 90,151 (45.75)
  Oxycodone 73,622 (37.36)
  Codeine base 18,409 (9.34)
  Morphine 6,894 (3.50)
  Hydromorphone 3,698 (1.88)
  Fentanyl 1,450 (0.74)
  Methadone 650 (0.33)
  Tapentadol 192 (0.10)
  Oxymorphone 146 (0.07)
  Meperidine 64 (0.03)
  Pentazocine 50 (0.03)
  Butorphanol 35 (0.02)
  Levorphanol 1 (0.00)
  Othersd 1,700 (0.86)
Mean daily MME per patiente
  ≤50 153,085 (77.68)
  50-90 32,081 (16.28)
  90+ 8,536 (4.33)
Benzodiazepine use
  No 144,899 (73.53)
  Yes 52,163 (26.47)
Stimulant use
  No 188,343 (95.58)
  Yes 8,719 (4.42)
5/5/12 criteriaf
  Not met 196,653 (99.79)
  Met 409 (0.21)

aGender, payment method, medication type, and mean daily MME classified according to data captured in the last opioid prescription dispensed in 2015.

bGender was not reported for 18 patients (0.01%).

cIncludes worker’s compensation, Indian Health Services, Veterans Health Administration, Tricare, and other federal sources.

dPrimarily opioid-containing cough products (see Appendix B, available in online article).

eUnable to determine MME for 3,360 (1.71%) patients.

f5/5/12/ criteria: opioid prescriptions from at least 5 different pharmacies and 5 different prescribers during the 12-month period.

MME = morphine milligram equivalent.