TABLE 1. Progressive breakthroughs in the development of liver organoids.
Sr No. | Author | Year | Species | Cell source | Medium | Findings | Ref. |
1 | Landry et al. | 1985 | Rat | Hepatic cells | Williams’ medium E | Made 3D hepatocytes and bile duct-resembling cells | [22] |
2 | Huch et al. | 2013 | Mouse | Lgr5+liver stem cells | Wnt agonist RSPO1 | Established long-term 3D mouse liver organoids | [23] |
3 | Takebe et al. | 2013 | Human | HUVECs, iPSCs, MSCs | Endothelial growth medium and hepatocyte culture medium | Reported functional liver organoids from iPSCs | [24] |
4 | Huch et al. 2015 | 2015 | Human | Human adult bile-duct epithelial cells | Mouse liver culture medium (ERFHNic) | Established Human adult biliary epithelial-derived progenitor cells | [25] |
5 | Thomas et al. | 2018 | Mouse Human | Mouse and human hepatocytes | Hep-Medium | Cultured hepatocytes-derived organoids to obtain partial hepatectomy transcriptional profiles | [26] |
6 | Peng et al. | 2018 | Mouse | Primary Hepatocytes | 3D Matrigel | TNF enhanced and allowed long-term culture for more than 6 months | [27] |
7 | Nuciforo et al. | 2018 | Human | Hepatocellular Carcinoma | Advanced DMEM/F-12 | Cultured long-term organoid cultures of HCC with various etiologies and tumor stages |
[28] |
8 | Ouchi et al. | 2019 | Human | Human PSC | mTeSR1 medium with matrigel coated plates | Precision medicine and modeling liver disease | [21] |
9 | Mun et al. | 2019 | Human | Human ESC Human iPSC | Matrigel-coated dishes and RPMI 1640 | Developed novel human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like liver organoids | [29] |
10 | Ramli et al. | 2020 | Human | Human ESCs Human iPSCs | Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) | Created a human cell-based hepatic organoid platform that may be utilized to mimic complicated liver diseases like NASH | [30] |
11 | Mo et al. | 2022 | Human | Liver metastasis tissues | Matrigel | Constructed a Biobank of 50 patient-derived organoids from a primary tumor and paired liver metastatic lesions | [31] |
Note: ESC embryonic stem cells; HUVEC human umbilical vein endothelial cells; iPSC induced pluripotent stem cells; MSCs Mesenchymal stem cell; HCC hepatocellular carcinoma.