A. JE2, pgl and the complemented pgl mutant (pglcomp) were grown in CDM [1,2-13C]Glucose and fluxes via glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) were compared as described previously [64]. The M+2 pyruvate is unique to glycolysis and the M+1 pyruvate to PPP. Thus, the M+2/M+1 ratio is indicative of carbon flux through glycolysis relative to PPP. The M+0 pyruvate can arise from different sources including the unlabeled part of the [1,2-13C]Glucose and pyruvogenic amino acids that are consumed alongside glucose. B. Relative levels of M+1 pyruvate indicative of PPP activity and M+2 pyruvate indicative of glycolytic activity in JE2, pgl and pglcomp. C. The M+2/M+1 ratio indicative of pyruvate produced directly from glucose flux through glycolysis in JE2, pgl and pglcomp. Data are the average of three independent experiments and standard deviations are shown. Significant differences were determined using ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison using GraphPad Prism V9 and adjusted p-value **** p<0.0001 is indicated.