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. 2023 Jul 15;10(8):ofad366. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofad366

Table 1.

Maternal HBV and HIV Virology and Serology Results Among Mother-Child Paired Samples Who Were HBsAg (n = 15) and Anti-HBc IgM (n = 1) Positive

Maternal HBV Serology and Virology Maternal HIV VL, CD4 and CD8 Counts, and Treatment at Delivery Infant HBV Serology Infant HIV Treatment
Maternal Study ID Anti-HBs Anti-HBc HBeAg VL, Log10 IU/mL HBV MTCT Risk Proportion of Pregnancy on ART, % HBV Active NA in Maternal
Maternal HIV VL, Log10 Copies/mL CD4, Cells/mL CD8, Cells/mL Infant HBsAg, 1 month Infant HBsAg, 12 months Infant Anti-HBs, 12 months Infant PMTCT at Birthb Infant cARTb Age at cART Initiation, daysc
HBKN-109 + + [IgM+] N/A N/A Unclear 69.5 TDF 3.3 653 1554 + AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP 8–14
HBKN-26 + 1.94 Low 100.0 TDF <1.30 479 1089 + NVP/AZT AZT/3TC/NVP ≤7
HBKN-61 <1.92 Low 45.9 TDF <1.30 552 1358 AZT/NVP AZT/3TC/NVP 8–14
HBKN-62 + + <1.92 Low 4.9 TDF 3.53 481 1717 + NVP AZT/3TC/NVP ≤7
HBKN-81 <1.92 Low 6.3 TDF 2.93 1183 946 + NVP/AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP 8–14
HBKN-99 + 3.8 Low 100.0 3TC 5.64 331 727 + + NVP/AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP 15–21
HBKN-100 + + <1.92 Low 0.0 TDF 4.59 606 1349 + NVP/AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP ≤7
HBKN-103 + + <1.92 Low 0.0 TDF 3.45 437 2213 NVP/AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP ≤7
HBKN-114 <1.92 Low 100.0 TDF 5.11 770 806 NS NS NS AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP ≤7
HBKN-117 + <1.92 Low 2.9 TDF 4.84 726 1154 + AZT/NVP 3TC/ABC/KAL ≥22
HBKN-149 3.63 Low 12.4 TDF 4.95 333 1273 + NVP 3TC/NVP/AZT 8–14
HBKN-160 <1.92 Low 0.0 TDF <1.30 389 967 AZT/NVP 3TC/AZT/NVP 8–14
HBKN-72 + 2.78 Low 57.5 3TC 4.08 50 442 NS NS NVP/AZT 3TC/AZT/NVP ≤7
HBKN-05 + >8.22 High 100.0 TDF 5.40 252 777 NS NS NVP/AZT 3TC/NVP/AZT ≤7
HBKN-118 + + 6.62 High 53.8 TDF <1.30 292 722 AZT/NVP 3TC/AZT/NVP 15–21
HBKN-159 + 7.49 High 100.0 TDF 4.60 109 375 AZT/NVP 3TC/AZT/NVP ≤7

HBV MTCT risk was based on maternal HBV viral load, with the World Health Organization threshold >5.3 log10 IU/mL used to identify high risk pregnancies [9]. One sample (HBKN-109) tested HBsAg negative and anti-HBc IgM positive and interpretation was unclear, so samples from the paired infant were screened. One mother-child pair had no infant samples available for testing at either time point; another sample had insufficient volume at 12 months; and another was lost to follow-up.

Abbreviations: anti-HBc, HBV anti-core IgG; anti-HBs, HBV anti-S; ART, antiretroviral therapy; cART, combination ART; HBeAg, HBV e-antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HBsAg, HBV surface antigen; MTCT, mother-to-child transmission; N/A, not applicable; NA, nucleos/tide analogue; NS, no sample available; PMTCT, prevention of MTCT; VL, viral load.


Maternal treatments included TDF (tenofovir) or 3TC (lamivudine).


Infant HIV PMTCT included AZT (zidovudine) and/or NVP (nevirapine). cART also included 3TC, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (referred to as Kaletra [KAL]), and abacavir (ABC).


The study aimed to prescribe infant cART within 21 days of life.