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. 2023 Jul 19;24(8):795–806. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2023.0274

Table 1. List of common exposures with typical imaging findings and differentiating features.

Exposure Imaging findings Differentiating feature
Silica dust exposure Multiple small nodules, especially in the upper lung fields. May show eggshell calcifications in the hilar lymph nodes. Presence of eggshell calcifications in the hilar lymph nodes is characteristic of silicosis.
Asbestos fiber exposure Bilateral, irregular opacities in the lower lung fields, often with a “reticular” or “honeycomb” appearance. May show pleural plaques. Presence of pleural plaques, calcified or thickened areas on the pleura, is highly suggestive of asbestos exposure.
Coal dust exposure Small nodules or opacities in the upper lung fields. Progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) with larger, confluent opacities or masses in advanced cases. Presence of PMF with larger opacities or masses is specific to coal worker’s pneumoconiosis.
Beryllium exposure Small nodules, ground-glass opacities, or diffuse interstitial lung disease. May show hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Presence of hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy is often seen in berylliosis.
Aluminum dust exposure Fine, irregular opacities typically involving the upper lung zones. May show pleural effusions in severe cases. Association with pleural effusions in severe cases.
Cadmium dust exposure Ground-glass opacities, interstitial fibrosis, and emphysematous changes. May show calcium deposition in the lung parenchyma or pleura. Presence of calcium deposition in the lung parenchyma or pleura.
Lead dust exposure Basal or lower lung predominant interstitial fibrosis with possible upper lobe sparing. May show evidence of lead lines in long bones on radiography. Presence of upper lobe sparing and evidence of lead lines in long bones on radiography.
Mercury vapor exposure Diffuse ground-glass opacities or consolidations. May show pleural effusions. Association with pleural effusions.
Grain dust exposure Transient pulmonary infiltrates or ground-glass opacities. Symptoms of acute febrile illness may be present in organic dust toxic syndrome.
Isocyanate exposure Diffuse ground-glass opacities or consolidation. History of exposure to isocyanates, may have associated bronchospasm or asthmatic symptoms.