Fig. 6. Quantitative proteomics analysis.
a, Quantitative proteomics was performed on hippocampus samples from SHAM (n = 4) and MI (n = 4) mice. The Volcano plot shows differentially expressed proteins (P adjusted < 0.05, fold change ≥ 1.5) in SHAM and MI mice. Red indicates upregulation, while blue represents downregulation of protein expression. Black indicates unchanged expression levels. b, The heat map of significantly dysregulated proteins (312 downregulated; 425 upregulated) The color scale bar shows the row normalized log2 protein abundance. c–f, Dot plots show top ten GO biological processes (c), molecular functions (d), cellular components (e) and KEGG pathways (f) that were enriched from differentially expressed proteins. Significantly changed protein abundance was determined by unpaired t-test with a threshold for significance of P < 0.05 (permutation-based FDR correction), fold change ≥ 1.5, unique peptides ≥ 2. Data are derived from biologically independent samples. All statistical tests were two sided. See Supplementary Table 7 for protein list.