Striatal reward anticipation related activation and mu opioid receptor (MOR) density in the striatum in patients with schizophrenia and respective controls: A) Lower Mean parameter estimate values during reward > neutral anticipation in the striatum in patients with schizophrenia (n = 18) compared to respective controls (n = 19) (p = 0.044, paired t-test). B) Mean MOR density measures as [11C]Cafentanil BPND in the striatum in patients with schizophrenia and respective controls (p = 0.021, independent t-test). C) Plot relating [11C]Cafentanil BPND and parameter estimate values for the reward anticipation condition in the striatum patients with schizophrenia, shown in blue and respective control subjects shown in black. Trend lines indicate lack of significant association between MOR availability and activation in the striatum (Pearson's Correlation, controls r = 0.321, p > 0.05, patients r = 0.295, p > 0.05). * indicates p < 0.05.