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. 1999 Feb;73(2):1740–1745. doi: 10.1128/jvi.73.2.1740-1745.1999


HIV-1-specific antibody titers in sera from vaccinees and infected individuals

Seraa Neutralizing antibody titer to HIV-1W61Dc Antibody binding titers tod:
V3W61D rgp120W61D sCD4/ rgp120W61D BS
Vaccinees (n = 9)
 Median <10 800 12,800 80
 Range <10 800–6,400 6,400–25,600 40–320
W61D-Nonneutral-izing (n = 19)
 Median <10 400 25,600 160
 Range <10 <100–1,600 3,200–102,400 <20–640
P valueb NSe 0.0104 NS NS
W61D-Neutral-izing (n = 9)
 Median 40 100 25,600 160
 Range 40–320 <100–400 3,200–51,200 80–640
P value 0.0004 0.0004 NS NS

Sera from rgp120W61D-immunized individuals and HIV-1-infected individuals. The latter are subdivided as W61D-nonneutralizing or W61D-neutralizing, according to the neutralization of the PBMC-derived isolate, HIV-1W61D, when assayed on MT2 cells. 


P values, generated by the nonparametric unpaired Mann-Whitney U test, refer to differences between the vaccinee sera and the appropriate neutralization group. 


Titers are expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution of serum which inhibited the formation of syncytia by 90% relative to that of controls. 


Data are presented as the median and range of end point antibody binding titers to the V3W61D loop and to monomeric rgp120 derived from HIV-1W61D and 50% inhibition titers to the sCD4 binding site on monomeric rgp120W61D


NS, P value of >0.05.