Table 1.
SI# | First author/pub date | Country | Study design | Sample size | Measurement scale |
1 | Christiaens et al, 201534 | Canada | Case–control | 622 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
2 | Grimstad et al, 199944 | Norway | Case–control | 174 | Were asked about the character of the experience(s): genital touch; forced to touch the other person’s genitals; attempted coitus; penile vaginal coitus |
3 | Noll et al, 200745 | USA | Cohort | 186 | Childhood sexual abuse |
4 | Leeners et al, 201446 | Switzerland | Cohort | 255 | Childhood sexual abuse experiences were additionally explored using questions modified by Wyatt |
5 | Selk et al, 201647 | USA | Case–control | 51 434 | The measure of physical abuse included items from the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS); the sexual abuse measure was derived from the survey by Finkelhor et al |
6 | Harville et al, 201048 | UK | Cohort | 4865 | The phrase ‘childhood hardship’ is used herein to refer to a number of adverse situations in childhood:
7 | Appleton et al, 201937 | USA | Cohort study | 126 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
8 | Versteegen et al, 202116 | USA | Cohort | 30 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
9 | Stanhope et al, 20208 | USA | Cohort | 2319 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
10 | Schoenaker et al, 201915 | Australia | Cohort | 11 556 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
11 | Miller et al, 201749 | USA | Prospective study | 744 | Asked women a series of questions about their family’s conditions during childhood |
12 | Mersky et al, 201942 | USA | Longitudinal | 1848 | 19-item assessment that has demonstrated good internal consistency |
13 | Mason et al, 201635 | USA | Cohort | 45 550 | Physical abuse and sexual abuse |
14 | Cammack et al, 201850 | USA | Cohort | 230 | Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short-Form (CTQ) |
15 | Bala et al, 202051 | Rhode Island | Population-based survey | 3350 | 7-item questionnaire |
16 | Ben Salah et al, 201938 | Tunisia | Prospective follow-up study | 593 | ACE-International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) |
17 | Bhengu et al, 202039 | South Africa | Cross-sectional | 223 | WHO-ACE IQ |
18 | Gillespie et al,52 2017 | USA | Prospective observational design | 89 | The Stress and Adversity Inventory (STRAIN) |
19 | Leeners et al, 201446 | Switzerland | Cohort | 225 | Using questions modified from a questionnaire developed by Wyatt |
20 | McDonnell et al, 201436 | USA | Cohort | 398 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
21 | Shaikh et al, 201940 | Pakistan | Cohort | 300 | WHO 31-item ACEs |
22 | Smith et al, 201653 | USA | Cohort | 2303 | The main modification of the instrument was to collapse the sexual events before the age of 18 questions into one question asking about childhood sexual abuse before age 18 |
23 | Ranchod et al, 201654 | USA | Longitudinal study | 2873 | 4-item questionnaire |
24 | Fredriksen et al, 201727 | Norway | Cohort | 762 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
25 | Hantsoo et al, 201928 | USA | Observational study | 48 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
26 | Howell et al, 201929 | USA | Observational study | 101 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
27 | Letourneau et al, 201930 | Canada | Cohort | 907 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
28 | Narayan et al, 201831 | USA | Cohort | 101 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
29 | Racine et al, 202032 | Canada | Cohort | 1994 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
30 | Young-Wolff et al, 201933 | USA | Cohort | 355 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
31 | Barrios et al, 201541 | USA | Cohort | 1521 | 8 questions from CDC |
32 | Hardcastle et al, 202255 | UK | Cross sectional | 865 | 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al |
ACE, adverse childhood experience; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.