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. 2023 Aug 3;13(8):e063826. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063826

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis

SI# First author/pub date Country Study design Sample size Measurement scale
1 Christiaens et al, 201534 Canada Case–control 622 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
2 Grimstad et al, 199944 Norway Case–control 174 Were asked about the character of the experience(s): genital touch; forced to touch the other person’s genitals; attempted coitus; penile vaginal coitus
3 Noll et al, 200745 USA Cohort 186 Childhood sexual abuse
4 Leeners et al, 201446 Switzerland Cohort 255 Childhood sexual abuse experiences were additionally explored using questions modified by Wyatt
5 Selk et al, 201647 USA Case–control 51 434 The measure of physical abuse included items from the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS); the sexual abuse measure was derived from the survey by Finkelhor et al
6 Harville et al, 201048 UK Cohort 4865 The phrase ‘childhood hardship’ is used herein to refer to a number of adverse situations in childhood:
  • Financial/structural hardship

  • No interest in education

  • Family dysfunction

  • Lack of supportive caregiving

  • Violence/mental health issues

  • Issues of family structure

  • Number of hardships

7 Appleton et al, 201937 USA Cohort study 126 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
8 Versteegen et al, 202116 USA Cohort 30 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
9 Stanhope et al, 20208 USA Cohort 2319 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
10 Schoenaker et al, 201915 Australia Cohort 11 556 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
11 Miller et al, 201749 USA Prospective study 744 Asked women a series of questions about their family’s conditions during childhood
12 Mersky et al, 201942 USA Longitudinal 1848 19-item assessment that has demonstrated good internal consistency
13 Mason et al, 201635 USA Cohort 45 550 Physical abuse and sexual abuse
14 Cammack et al, 201850 USA Cohort 230 Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short-Form (CTQ)
15 Bala et al, 202051 Rhode Island Population-based survey 3350 7-item questionnaire
16 Ben Salah et al, 201938 Tunisia Prospective follow-up study 593 ACE-International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ)
17 Bhengu et al, 202039 South Africa Cross-sectional 223 WHO-ACE IQ
18 Gillespie et al,52 2017 USA Prospective observational design 89 The Stress and Adversity Inventory (STRAIN)
19 Leeners et al, 201446 Switzerland Cohort 225 Using questions modified from a questionnaire developed by Wyatt
20 McDonnell et al, 201436 USA Cohort 398 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
21 Shaikh et al, 201940 Pakistan Cohort 300 WHO 31-item ACEs
22 Smith et al, 201653 USA Cohort 2303 The main modification of the instrument was to collapse the sexual events before the age of 18 questions into one question asking about childhood sexual abuse before age 18
23 Ranchod et al, 201654 USA Longitudinal study 2873 4-item questionnaire
24 Fredriksen et al, 201727 Norway Cohort 762 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
25 Hantsoo et al, 201928 USA Observational study 48 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
26 Howell et al, 201929 USA Observational study 101 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
27 Letourneau et al, 201930 Canada Cohort 907 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
28 Narayan et al, 201831 USA Cohort 101 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
29 Racine et al, 202032 Canada Cohort 1994 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
30 Young-Wolff et al, 201933 USA Cohort 355 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al
31 Barrios et al, 201541 USA Cohort 1521 8 questions from CDC
32 Hardcastle et al, 202255 UK Cross sectional 865 10-item self-report tool by Felliti et al

ACE, adverse childhood experience; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.