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[Preprint]. 2023 Jun 20:2023.06.20.545796. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.06.20.545796

Fig. 1. Functionalized GO grids protect SNF2h-nucleosome complexes from the air-water interface.

Fig. 1.

a) Schematic illustrating functionalized GO grids. GO is layered on top of a commercial Quantifoil holey carbon grid. The GO surface is then functionalized with either single-strand DNA or TAASTY co-polymer to attract SNF2h-nucleosome complexes away from the AWI.

b) Representative micrograph of the SNF2h-nucleosome complex on a ssDNA GO grid. Representative 2D classes of particles picked from a ssDNA GO grid are also shown.

c) Chemical structure of the TAASTY co-polymer.

d) Representative micrograph of the SNF2h-nucleosome complex on a TAASTY GO grid. Representative 2D classes of particles picked from a TAASTY GO grid are also shown.