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. 2023 Apr 28;12(6):e220186. doi: 10.57264/cer-2022-0186

Table 1. . Differences in baseline characteristics between patient populations.

Variable, % Unadjusted comparison Adjusted comparison (Primary analysis)
Fully adjusted comparison
  MajesTEC-1 (n = 165) RWPC cohort
NOBS = 766
RWPC cohort
ESS = 326
RWPC cohort
ESS = 195
Refractory status        
  Penta-refractory 30.3 27.5 32.7 31.7
  Triple- or quad-refractory 47.3 39.3 46.4 46.8
  Other 22.4 33.2 20.9 21.5
Time to progression on last LOT, >4 mo 61.8 59.3 60.0 61.3
Cytogenetic risk        
  High§ 23.0 21.3 22.6 21.2
  Standard 66.7 53.3 66.7 67.1
  Unknown 10.3 25.5 10.7 11.7
ISS stage        
  Stage I 53.3 38.8 52.6 52.8
  Stage II 34.5 32.0 35.7 35.1
  Stage III 12.1 29.2 11.8 12.0
Number of prior LOT >4 52.7 54.7 56.0 56.1
Time since MM diagnosis, ≥6 years 50.9 27.0 52.3 51.6
Age ≥65 years 47.8 64.2 48.1 48.4
Hemoglobin ≥12 g/dl 24.8 32.9 24.2 25.0
Prior HSCT 81.8 32.4 39.5 81.1
ECOG performance status 1 66.7 68.8 65.7 61.8
  White 81.2 73.0 69.3 80.0
  Black/African–American 12.7 11.4 15.6 14.0
  Not reported/other 6.1 15.7 15.1 6.0
Male sex 58.2 50.1 53.5 56.1
Type of MM        
  IgG 55.2 60.4 64.3 57.5
  Light chain 21.8 15.7 15.4 20.7
  Other 23.0 23.9 20.3 21.7

Refractory to ≥2 IMiDs, 2 PIs and an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody.

Refractory to 2 IMiDs and 1 PI; or 2 PIs and 1 IMiD; or 2 IMiDs and 2 PIs.


≥1 del17p, t(14;16) or t(4;14).

ISS stage was imputed for two observations in the MajesTEC-1 cohort.

ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; ESS: Effective sample size; HSCT: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; IMiD: Immunomodulatory drug; ISS: International Staging System; LOT: Line of therapy; MM: Multiple myeloma; mo: Months; NOBS: Number of observation; PI: Proteasome inhibitor; RWPC: Real-world physician’s choice.