Study | Reason for exclusion |
Agewall 2001 | Multifactorial intervention |
Ammerman 2003 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Anti‐Coronary C 1966 | Not randomised |
Aquilani 2000 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Arne 2014 | Intervention aimed at weight management |
Arntzenius 1985 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Aro 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
ASSIST 2001 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Australian Polyp Prev | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Baer 1993 | Not randomised |
Bakx 1997 | Multifactorial intervention |
Barnard 2009 | Weight reduction encouraged in the conventional diet, but not in the vegan diet arm |
Barndt 1977 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Baron 1990 | Multifactorial intervention |
Barr 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Baumann 1982 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Bazzano 2012 | Participants selected on basis of BMI (30 to 45) |
Beckmann 1988 | Not randomised |
Beckmann 1995 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Beresford 1992 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Bergstrom 1967 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Bierenbaum 1963 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Bloomgarden 1987 | Multifactorial intervention |
Bonnema 1995 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Bosaeus 1992 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Boyar 1988 | Not randomised |
Brehm 2009 | Participants recruited on basis of being overweight or obese |
Brensike 1982 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Broekmans 2003 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Brown 1984 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Bruce 1994 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Bruno 1983 | Multifactorial intervention |
Butcher 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Butowski 1998 | Not randomised |
Byers 1995 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Caggiula 1996 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
CARMEN 2000 | Participants recruited on basis of BMI (26 to 34) |
CARMEN MS sub‐study | Substudy of CARMEN 2000, participants recruited on basis of BMI |
Cerin 1993 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Chan 1993 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Chapman 1950 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Charbonnier 1975 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Cheng 2004 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Chicago CPEP 1977 | Not randomised |
Chiostri 1988 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Choudhury 1984 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Clark 1997 | Multifactorial intervention |
Clifton 1992 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Cobb 1991 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Cohen 1991 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Cole 1988 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Colquhoun 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Consolazio 1946 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Coppell 2010 | Weight loss recommended |
Cox 1996 | Multifactorial intervention |
Croft 1986 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Crouch 1986 | Not randomised |
Da Qing IGT 1997 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Dalgard 2001 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
DAS 1989 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
DASH 1997 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Davey Smith 2005 | Multifactorial intervention |
de Boer 1983 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
DeBusk 1994 | Multifactorial intervention |
Delahanty 2001 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Delius 1969 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Demark 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Dengel 1995 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Denke 1994 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Diabetes CCT 1995 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
DIET 1998 | Multifactorial intervention |
Ding 1992 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
DIRECT 2009 | Weight reduction aim |
DO IT 2004 | "Overweight subjects were encouraged to adopt a calorie‐restricted diet" |
Dobs 1991 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Duffield 1982 | Multifactorial intervention |
Dullaart 1997 | Not randomised |
Dutch Nutrition Guide | No data on weight or body fatness, or any cardiovascular outcomes |
Eating Patterns 1997 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Eckard 2013 | Energy restricted diet |
Ehnholm 1982 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Ehnholm 1984 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Eisenberg 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Elder 2000 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Ellegard 1991 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Esposito 2003 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Esposito 2004 | No appropriate control group (both groups aimed at < 30%E from fat) |
Esposito 2014 | Energy restricted diet |
EUROACTION 2008 | Multifactorial intervention |
FARIS 1997 | Multifactorial intervention |
Fasting HGS 1997 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Ferrara 2000 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Fielding 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Finckenor 2000 | Not randomised |
Finnish Diabetes 2000 | Multifactorial intervention |
Finnish Mental 1972 | Not randomised (cluster‐randomised, but < 6 clusters) |
Fisher 1981 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Fleming 2002 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Fortmann 1988 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Foster 2003 | Weight reduction in one arm but not the other |
FRESH START 2007 | Participants were newly diagnosed with cancer |
Friedman 2012 | Weight loss diets |
Gambera 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Gaullier 2007 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
German Fat Reduced | Participants recruited on basis of their BMI (24 to 29) |
Ginsberg 1988 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Gjone 1972 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Glatzel 1966 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Goodpaster 1999 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Gower 2012 | Participants recruited on basis of high BMI |
Gregg 2013 | Participants recruited on basis of high BMI |
Grundy 1986 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Gudlaugsson 2013 | Multifactorial intervention |
Guelinckx 2010 | Participants recruited on basis of high BMI |
Guldbrand 2012 | Weight loss intended |
Hardcastle 2008 | Multifactorial intervention |
Harris 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Hartman 1993 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Hartwell 1986 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Hashim 1960 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Haynes 1984 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Heber 1991 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Heine 1989 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Heller 1993 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Hildreth 1951 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Hood 1965 | Not randomised |
Horlick 1957 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Horlick 1960 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Howard 1977 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Hunninghake 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Hutchison 1983 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Hyman 1998 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Iacono 1981 | Not randomised; intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
IMPACT 1995A | Multifactorial intervention |
Ishikawa 1995 | Not randomised |
Iso 1991 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Ives 1993 | Multifactorial intervention |
Jalkanen 1991 | Multifactorial intervention |
Janus 2012 | Weight loss intended |
Jepson 1969 | Not randomised |
Jerusalem Nut 1992 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Jonasson 2014 | Energy restricted diet |
Juanola‐Falgarona 2014 | Energy restricted diet |
Jula 1990 | Multifactorial intervention |
Junker 2001 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Karmally 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Karvetti 1992 | Multifactorial intervention |
Kastarinen 2002 | Multifactorial intervention |
Kather 1985 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Kattelmann 2010 | Weight loss intended |
Katzel 1995 | Not randomised |
Katzel 1995A | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Kawamura 1993 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Keidar 1988 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Kempner 1948 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Keys 1952 | Not randomised |
Keys 1957 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Keys 1957A | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Keys 1957B | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Khan 2003 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
King 2000 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Kingsbury 1961 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Klemsdal 2010 | Participants recruited on basis of high BMI |
Kohler 1986 | Not randomised |
Kontogianni 2012 | Not randomised |
Koopman 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Koranyi 1963 | Unclear whether randomised |
Korhonen 2003 | Multifactorial intervention |
Kriketos 2001 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Kris 1994 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Kristal 1997 | Multifactorial intervention |
Kromhout 1987 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Kummel 2008 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Laitinen 1993 | Multifactorial intervention |
Laitinen 1994 | Multifactorial intervention |
Larsen 2011 | Energy restricted diet |
Leduc 1994 | Multifactorial intervention |
Leibbrandt 2010 | Participants recruited on basis of high BMI |
Lewis 1958 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Lewis 1981 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Lewis 1985 | Multifactorial intervention |
Lichtenstein 2002 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Linko 1957 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Lipid Res Clinic 1984 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Little 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Little 1991 | Not randomised |
Little 2004 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Lottenberg 1996 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Luoto 2012 | No assessment of total fat intake |
Luszczynska 2007 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Lyon Diet Heart 1994 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Lysikova 2003 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Macdonald 1972 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Mansel 1990 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Marckmann 1993 | Not randomised |
MARGARIN | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Martin 2011 | Participants recruited on basis of high BMI |
Maruthur 2014 | No relevant outcomes available |
Mattson 1985 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Mayneris‐Perxachs 2014 | No assessment of total fat intake |
McCarron 1997 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
McCarron 2001 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
McManus 2001 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
McNamara 1981 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Medi‐RIVAGE 2004 | Weight reduction for some low fat diet participants (those with BMI > 25) but not in Mediterranean group |
Mensink 1987 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Mensink 1989 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Mensink 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Mensink 1990A | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Merrill 2011 | Multifactorial intervention |
Metroville Health 2003 | No assessment of outcomes further than reduction in fat |
Michalsen 2006 | Diet plus stress management vs no intervention |
Miettinen 1994 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Millar 1973 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Miller 1998 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Miller 2001 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Milne 1994 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) ‐ the high CHO diet is neither 'usual' or 'low fat' to compare with the modified fat diet |
Minnesota HHP 1990 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Mishra 2013 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Mitchell 2011 | No relevant outcomes available |
Mokuno 1988 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Moreno 1994 | Not randomised |
Morrison 1950 | Not randomised |
Morrison 1951 | Not randomised |
Morrison 1960 | Not randomised |
Mortensen 1983 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Moses 2014 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
MRFIT substudy 1986 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
MSDELTA 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
MUFObes low fat 2007 | Trial aims to assess weight maintenance following major weight loss |
MUFObes low vs mod 2007 | Trial aims to assess weight maintenance following major weight loss |
Mujeres Felices 2003 | Diet and breast self examination vs no intervention |
Munsters 2010 | Weight loss intended |
Mutanen 1997 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Muzio 2007 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Naglak 2000 | Dietary fat intervention unclear |
NAS 1987 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
NCEP weight | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Neil 1995 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Neverov 1997 | Multifactorial intervention |
Next Step 1995 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Nordoy 1971 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Norway Veg Oil 1968 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Novotny 2012 | Weight loss intended |
Nutrition Ed Study 1980 | Those who were overweight were provided with a weight reduction booklet |
O'Brien 1976 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
ODES 2001 | The study aimed for weight loss in some participants |
Oldroyd 2001 | Multifactorial intervention |
Orazio 2011 | Weight loss intended |
ORIGIN 2008 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Ornish 1990 | Multifactorial intervention (diet, smoking, stress and exercise) compared to no intervention |
Oslo Study 1980 | Multifactorial intervention |
Otago Weight Loss 2005 | Although intake was ad libitum the aim was for weight loss to occur ‐ participants presumably joined the study on the basis that it was assessing effects on weight loss, so were keen to lose weight |
Pandey 2013 | Not randomised |
Pascale 1995 | Multifactorial intervention |
Paz‐Tal 2013 | No relevant outcomes available |
PEP 2001 | Multifactorial intervention |
PHYLLIS 1993 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
PREDIMED 2007 | Modified fat group is clearly defined, but no fat goals were set for the low fat group. We were unable to verify whether the fat aim was ≤ 30%E |
PREMIER 2003 | Overweight participants were encouraged to lose weight |
Pritchard 2002 | The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm |
Puget Sound EP | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Rabast 1979 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Rabkin 1981 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Radack 1990 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Rasmussen 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Reaven 2001 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Reid 2002 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Renaud 1986 | Not randomised |
Rivellese 2003 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Roderick 1997 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Roman CHD prev 1986 | Multifactorial intervention |
Rose 1987 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Rusu 2013 | Energy restricted diet |
Sacks 2009 | All arms aimed at a 750 kcal/day deficit to ensure weight loss |
Salas‐Salvado 2014 | No assessment of total fat intake |
Sandstrom 1992 | Not randomised |
Sasaki 2000 | Not randomised |
Schaefer 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Schaefer 1995A | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Schectman 1996 | Multifactorial intervention |
Schlierf 1995 | Multifactorial intervention |
Seppanen‐Laakso | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Shai 2012 | Energy restricted diet |
Singh 1990 | Not randomised |
Singh 1991 | Multifactorial intervention |
Singh 1992 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Siqueira‐Catania 2010 | Weight loss intended |
Sirtori 1992 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
SLIM 2008 | Multifactorial intervention |
Sollentuna Diet | The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm |
Sollentuna Diet & Ex | The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm |
Sopotsinskaia 1992 | The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm |
Staff HHP 1994 | Not randomised |
Stanford NAP 1997 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Stanford Weight | The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm |
Starmans 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Steinbach 1996 | Multifactorial intervention |
Steptoe 2001 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Stevens 2002 | Diet plus breast self examination vs no intervention |
Stevenson 1988 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Sweeney 2004 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
TAIM 1989 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Take Heart II 1997 | Not randomised |
Tapsell 2004 | No weight data or cardiovascular outcomes reported |
Taylor 1991 | Not randomised |
THIS DIET 2008 | Study states "although this was not a weight loss intervention, participants who were overweight or obese were encouraged to reduce calories to facilitate weight loss". |
TOHP I 1992 | Multifactorial intervention |
TONE 1997 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Toobert 2003 | Multifactorial intervention |
Toronto Polyp Prev 1994 | No weight or BMI data presented |
Towle 1994 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
TRANSFACT 2006 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Treatwell 1992 | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Tromso Heart 1989 | Multifactorial intervention |
Turku Weight | Both intervention groups aimed to lose weight, while the control group did not |
Turpeinen 1960 | Not randomised |
UK PDS 1996 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Urbach 1952 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Uusitupa 1993 | Multifactorial intervention |
Uusitupa 2013 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Vavrikova 1958 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Wan 2013 | Not a RCT |
Wass 1981 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Wassertheil 1985 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
WATCH | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author) |
Watts 1988 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Weintraub 1992 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Westman 2006 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Weststrate 1998 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
WHO primary prev 1979 | Multifactorial intervention |
WHT | Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available as such data were not collected in the study |
Wilke 1974 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
Williams 1990 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Williams 1992 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Williams 1994 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Wilmot 1952 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Wing 1998 | No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) |
Wolever 2008 | Weight loss intended in some participants |
WOMAN 2007 | Lifestyle intervention includes exercise and weight as well as diet |
Wood 1988 | Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet |
Woollard 2003 | Multifactorial intervention including smoking, weight, exercise and alcohol components |
Working Well 1996 | Multifactorial intervention |
Young 2010 | Weight loss intended |
Zock 1995 | Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months |
BMI: body mass index RCT: randomised controlled trial