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. 2015 Aug 7;2015(8):CD011834. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011834
Study Reason for exclusion
Agewall 2001 Multifactorial intervention
Ammerman 2003 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Anti‐Coronary C 1966 Not randomised
Aquilani 2000 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Arne 2014 Intervention aimed at weight management
Arntzenius 1985 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Aro 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
ASSIST 2001 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Australian Polyp Prev Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Baer 1993 Not randomised
Bakx 1997 Multifactorial intervention
Barnard 2009 Weight reduction encouraged in the conventional diet, but not in the vegan diet arm
Barndt 1977 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Baron 1990 Multifactorial intervention
Barr 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Baumann 1982 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Bazzano 2012 Participants selected on basis of BMI (30 to 45)
Beckmann 1988 Not randomised
Beckmann 1995 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Beresford 1992 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Bergstrom 1967 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Bierenbaum 1963 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Bloomgarden 1987 Multifactorial intervention
Bonnema 1995 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Bosaeus 1992 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Boyar 1988 Not randomised
Brehm 2009 Participants recruited on basis of being overweight or obese
Brensike 1982 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Broekmans 2003 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Brown 1984 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Bruce 1994 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Bruno 1983 Multifactorial intervention
Butcher 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Butowski 1998 Not randomised
Byers 1995 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Caggiula 1996 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
CARMEN 2000 Participants recruited on basis of BMI (26 to 34)
CARMEN MS sub‐study Substudy of CARMEN 2000, participants recruited on basis of BMI
Cerin 1993 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Chan 1993 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Chapman 1950 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Charbonnier 1975 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Cheng 2004 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Chicago CPEP 1977 Not randomised
Chiostri 1988 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Choudhury 1984 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Clark 1997 Multifactorial intervention
Clifton 1992 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Cobb 1991 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Cohen 1991 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Cole 1988 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Colquhoun 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Consolazio 1946 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Coppell 2010 Weight loss recommended
Cox 1996 Multifactorial intervention
Croft 1986 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Crouch 1986 Not randomised
Da Qing IGT 1997 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Dalgard 2001 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
DAS 1989 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
DASH 1997 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Davey Smith 2005 Multifactorial intervention
de Boer 1983 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
DeBusk 1994 Multifactorial intervention
Delahanty 2001 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Delius 1969 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Demark 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Dengel 1995 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Denke 1994 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Diabetes CCT 1995 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
DIET 1998 Multifactorial intervention
Ding 1992 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
DIRECT 2009 Weight reduction aim
DO IT 2004 "Overweight subjects were encouraged to adopt a calorie‐restricted diet"
Dobs 1991 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Duffield 1982 Multifactorial intervention
Dullaart 1997 Not randomised
Dutch Nutrition Guide No data on weight or body fatness, or any cardiovascular outcomes
Eating Patterns 1997 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Eckard 2013 Energy restricted diet
Ehnholm 1982 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Ehnholm 1984 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Eisenberg 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Elder 2000 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Ellegard 1991 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Esposito 2003 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Esposito 2004 No appropriate control group (both groups aimed at < 30%E from fat)
Esposito 2014 Energy restricted diet
EUROACTION 2008 Multifactorial intervention
FARIS 1997 Multifactorial intervention
Fasting HGS 1997 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Ferrara 2000 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Fielding 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Finckenor 2000 Not randomised
Finnish Diabetes 2000 Multifactorial intervention
Finnish Mental 1972 Not randomised (cluster‐randomised, but < 6 clusters)
Fisher 1981 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Fleming 2002 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Fortmann 1988 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Foster 2003 Weight reduction in one arm but not the other
FRESH START 2007 Participants were newly diagnosed with cancer
Friedman 2012 Weight loss diets
Gambera 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Gaullier 2007 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
German Fat Reduced Participants recruited on basis of their BMI (24 to 29)
Ginsberg 1988 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Gjone 1972 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Glatzel 1966 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Goodpaster 1999 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Gower 2012 Participants recruited on basis of high BMI
Gregg 2013 Participants recruited on basis of high BMI
Grundy 1986 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Gudlaugsson 2013 Multifactorial intervention
Guelinckx 2010 Participants recruited on basis of high BMI
Guldbrand 2012 Weight loss intended
Hardcastle 2008 Multifactorial intervention
Harris 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Hartman 1993 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Hartwell 1986 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Hashim 1960 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Haynes 1984 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Heber 1991 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Heine 1989 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Heller 1993 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Hildreth 1951 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Hood 1965 Not randomised
Horlick 1957 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Horlick 1960 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Howard 1977 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Hunninghake 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Hutchison 1983 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Hyman 1998 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Iacono 1981 Not randomised; intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
IMPACT 1995A Multifactorial intervention
Ishikawa 1995 Not randomised
Iso 1991 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Ives 1993 Multifactorial intervention
Jalkanen 1991 Multifactorial intervention
Janus 2012 Weight loss intended
Jepson 1969 Not randomised
Jerusalem Nut 1992 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Jonasson 2014 Energy restricted diet
Juanola‐Falgarona 2014 Energy restricted diet
Jula 1990 Multifactorial intervention
Junker 2001 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Karmally 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Karvetti 1992 Multifactorial intervention
Kastarinen 2002 Multifactorial intervention
Kather 1985 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Kattelmann 2010 Weight loss intended
Katzel 1995 Not randomised
Katzel 1995A Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Kawamura 1993 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Keidar 1988 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Kempner 1948 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Keys 1952 Not randomised
Keys 1957 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Keys 1957A Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Keys 1957B Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Khan 2003 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
King 2000 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Kingsbury 1961 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Klemsdal 2010 Participants recruited on basis of high BMI
Kohler 1986 Not randomised
Kontogianni 2012 Not randomised
Koopman 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Koranyi 1963 Unclear whether randomised
Korhonen 2003 Multifactorial intervention
Kriketos 2001 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Kris 1994 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Kristal 1997 Multifactorial intervention
Kromhout 1987 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Kummel 2008 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Laitinen 1993 Multifactorial intervention
Laitinen 1994 Multifactorial intervention
Larsen 2011 Energy restricted diet
Leduc 1994 Multifactorial intervention
Leibbrandt 2010 Participants recruited on basis of high BMI
Lewis 1958 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Lewis 1981 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Lewis 1985 Multifactorial intervention
Lichtenstein 2002 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Linko 1957 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Lipid Res Clinic 1984 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Little 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Little 1991 Not randomised
Little 2004 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Lottenberg 1996 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Luoto 2012 No assessment of total fat intake
Luszczynska 2007 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Lyon Diet Heart 1994 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Lysikova 2003 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Macdonald 1972 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Mansel 1990 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Marckmann 1993 Not randomised
MARGARIN No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Martin 2011 Participants recruited on basis of high BMI
Maruthur 2014 No relevant outcomes available
Mattson 1985 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Mayneris‐Perxachs 2014 No assessment of total fat intake
McCarron 1997 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
McCarron 2001 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
McManus 2001 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
McNamara 1981 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Medi‐RIVAGE 2004 Weight reduction for some low fat diet participants (those with BMI > 25) but not in Mediterranean group
Mensink 1987 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Mensink 1989 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Mensink 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Mensink 1990A Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Merrill 2011 Multifactorial intervention
Metroville Health 2003 No assessment of outcomes further than reduction in fat
Michalsen 2006 Diet plus stress management vs no intervention
Miettinen 1994 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Millar 1973 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Miller 1998 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Miller 2001 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Milne 1994 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat) ‐ the high CHO diet is neither 'usual' or 'low fat' to compare with the modified fat diet
Minnesota HHP 1990 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Mishra 2013 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Mitchell 2011 No relevant outcomes available
Mokuno 1988 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Moreno 1994 Not randomised
Morrison 1950 Not randomised
Morrison 1951 Not randomised
Morrison 1960 Not randomised
Mortensen 1983 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Moses 2014 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
MRFIT substudy 1986 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
MSDELTA 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
MUFObes low fat 2007 Trial aims to assess weight maintenance following major weight loss
MUFObes low vs mod 2007 Trial aims to assess weight maintenance following major weight loss
Mujeres Felices 2003 Diet and breast self examination vs no intervention
Munsters 2010 Weight loss intended
Mutanen 1997 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Muzio 2007 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Naglak 2000 Dietary fat intervention unclear
NAS 1987 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
NCEP weight Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Neil 1995 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Neverov 1997 Multifactorial intervention
Next Step 1995 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Nordoy 1971 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Norway Veg Oil 1968 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Novotny 2012 Weight loss intended
Nutrition Ed Study 1980 Those who were overweight were provided with a weight reduction booklet
O'Brien 1976 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
ODES 2001 The study aimed for weight loss in some participants
Oldroyd 2001 Multifactorial intervention
Orazio 2011 Weight loss intended
ORIGIN 2008 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Ornish 1990 Multifactorial intervention (diet, smoking, stress and exercise) compared to no intervention
Oslo Study 1980 Multifactorial intervention
Otago Weight Loss 2005 Although intake was ad libitum the aim was for weight loss to occur ‐ participants presumably joined the study on the basis that it was assessing effects on weight loss, so were keen to lose weight
Pandey 2013 Not randomised
Pascale 1995 Multifactorial intervention
Paz‐Tal 2013 No relevant outcomes available
PEP 2001 Multifactorial intervention
PHYLLIS 1993 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
PREDIMED 2007 Modified fat group is clearly defined, but no fat goals were set for the low fat group. We were unable to verify whether the fat aim was ≤ 30%E
PREMIER 2003 Overweight participants were encouraged to lose weight
Pritchard 2002 The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm
Puget Sound EP Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Rabast 1979 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Rabkin 1981 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Radack 1990 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Rasmussen 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Reaven 2001 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Reid 2002 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Renaud 1986 Not randomised
Rivellese 2003 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Roderick 1997 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Roman CHD prev 1986 Multifactorial intervention
Rose 1987 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Rusu 2013 Energy restricted diet
Sacks 2009 All arms aimed at a 750 kcal/day deficit to ensure weight loss
Salas‐Salvado 2014 No assessment of total fat intake
Sandstrom 1992 Not randomised
Sasaki 2000 Not randomised
Schaefer 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Schaefer 1995A Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Schectman 1996 Multifactorial intervention
Schlierf 1995 Multifactorial intervention
Seppanen‐Laakso Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Shai 2012 Energy restricted diet
Singh 1990 Not randomised
Singh 1991 Multifactorial intervention
Singh 1992 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Siqueira‐Catania 2010 Weight loss intended
Sirtori 1992 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
SLIM 2008 Multifactorial intervention
Sollentuna Diet The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm
Sollentuna Diet & Ex The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm
Sopotsinskaia 1992 The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm
Staff HHP 1994 Not randomised
Stanford NAP 1997 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Stanford Weight The study aimed for weight loss in one arm and not in the comparison arm
Starmans 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Steinbach 1996 Multifactorial intervention
Steptoe 2001 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Stevens 2002 Diet plus breast self examination vs no intervention
Stevenson 1988 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Sweeney 2004 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
TAIM 1989 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Take Heart II 1997 Not randomised
Tapsell 2004 No weight data or cardiovascular outcomes reported
Taylor 1991 Not randomised
THIS DIET 2008 Study states "although this was not a weight loss intervention, participants who were overweight or obese were encouraged to reduce calories to facilitate weight loss".
TOHP I 1992 Multifactorial intervention
TONE 1997 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Toobert 2003 Multifactorial intervention
Toronto Polyp Prev 1994 No weight or BMI data presented
Towle 1994 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
TRANSFACT 2006 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Treatwell 1992 Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Tromso Heart 1989 Multifactorial intervention
Turku Weight Both intervention groups aimed to lose weight, while the control group did not
Turpeinen 1960 Not randomised
UK PDS 1996 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Urbach 1952 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Uusitupa 1993 Multifactorial intervention
Uusitupa 2013 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Vavrikova 1958 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Wan 2013 Not a RCT
Wass 1981 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Wassertheil 1985 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
WATCH Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available (only decided after contact with at least one author)
Watts 1988 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Weintraub 1992 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Westman 2006 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Weststrate 1998 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
WHO primary prev 1979 Multifactorial intervention
WHT Neither mortality nor cardiovascular morbidity data available as such data were not collected in the study
Wilke 1974 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months
Williams 1990 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Williams 1992 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Williams 1994 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Wilmot 1952 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Wing 1998 No appropriate control group (and not low fat vs modified fat)
Wolever 2008 Weight loss intended in some participants
WOMAN 2007 Lifestyle intervention includes exercise and weight as well as diet
Wood 1988 Intervention is not dietary fat modification or low fat diet
Woollard 2003 Multifactorial intervention including smoking, weight, exercise and alcohol components
Working Well 1996 Multifactorial intervention
Young 2010 Weight loss intended
Zock 1995 Intervention and randomised follow‐up less than 6 months

BMI: body mass index
 RCT: randomised controlled trial