Right hand dominant
Normal visual acuity or correctable (with corrective lenses- glasses or contacts) to at least 20/40 for reading instructions in the MRI and visual sensitivity testing
No contraindications to MRI (eg, metal implants)
Willingness to refrain from taking any “as needed” medications, including pain medications such as NSAIDs (eg, Motrin, Advil, Aleve), acetaminophen (eg, Tylenol), and opioids, for 8 hours before undergoing neuroimaging and QST
Willingness to refrain from alcohol and nicotine on the day of QST and neuroimaging (alcohol and nicotine consumption is allowed after testing is completed)
Willingness to refrain from any unusual physical activity or exercise that would cause muscle and/or joint soreness for 48 hours prior to testing (routine exercise or activity that does not lead to soreness is acceptable)
Able to lie still on their back for 2 hours during MRI
Severe claustrophobia precluding MRI and evoked pain testing during scanning
Diagnosed peripheral neuropathy
Current, recent (within the last 6 months), or habitual use of artificial nails or nail enhancements. (Artificial nails can influence pressure pain sensitivity at the thumbnail)
BMI > 45 or unable to comfortably fit in the bore of the MRI magnet