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. 2022 Nov 18;37(8):718–725. doi: 10.1038/s41371-022-00772-z

Table 4.

Association of new onset hypertension with levels of circulating markers of inflammation in 46–49 years old women and men: the Hordaland Health Study.

Women n = 1155 Men n = 526 Interaction biomarker and sex
Variable Univariable Model 2 Univariable Model 2 Univariable Model 2
OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p p p
hs-CRPa 1.34 (1.20–1.50) <0.01 1.18 (1.04–1.34) <0.01 1.04 (0.91–1.18) <0.61 0.97 (0.84–1.12) 0.71 <0.01 0.046
    <1 mg/l Ref Ref Ref Ref <0.01 0.04
    1–<3 mg/l 2.02 (1.41–2.90) <0.01 1.74 (1.20–2.53) <0.01 1.40 (0.93–2.14) 0.11 1.22 (0.79–1.90) 0.37
    ≥3 mg/l 2.91 (1.98–4.29) <0.01 1.87 (1.20–2.90) <0.01 1.08 (0.65–1.79) 0.78 0.87 (0.49–1.53) 0.62
Neopterina 1.06 (0.61–1.84) 0.83 1.02 (0.58–1.81) 0.97 0.90 (0.45–1.82) 0.77 0.83 (0.39–1.74) 0.85 0.71 0.69
KTRa 1.92 (0.85–4.32) 0.11 1.11 (0.46–2.67) 0.82 0.90 (0.32–2.49) 0.83 0.71 (0.24–2.09) 0.53 0.25 0.59
PAr indexa 1.34 (0.93–1.93) 0.11 1.31 (0.90–1.90) 0.16 0.99 (0.60–1.63) 0.97 1.00 (0.59–1.68) 0.99 0.34 0.43

Model 2 is adjusted for body mass index, creatinine, physical activity, daily smoking, diabetes, and non-fasting serum triglycerides. For this analysis participants with hypertension at baseline were excluded.Hypertension BP ≥ 130/80 mmHg or use of antihypertensive medication, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, hs-CRP high-sensitive C-reactive protein, PAr index ratio: 4-pyridoxic acid/(pyridoxal 5’-phosphate + pyridoxal), KTR kynurenin:tryptophan ratio.

aOR per 1 unit increase on log-transformed scale for each inflammation marker.

Significant associations are printed in bold.