Parallel cVA pathways have distinct effects on sexual behaviors, related to Figure 1
(A and B) EM reconstructions of DA1 lPNs (A) and DA1 lvPNs (B) in the FAFB dataset. Left: frontal view, right: top view. Scale bars, 20 μm.
(C) Confocal image of DA1 lvPN in a male brain, reporter expression driven by lvPN SS, maximum projection. Scale bars, 20 μm.
(D) An example of female-female behavioral sequence classified as Wing Threat by JAABA classifier. Scale bars, 2 mm.
(E) nChAT4b and lvPN soma co-immunostaining. Top left: lvPN-SS × CD8::GFP-anti-GFP staining. Bottom left: anti-nChAT4B staining. Right: composite image. Scale bars, 5 μm.
(F) The number of inputs per neuron for all non-ORN and non-LN cell types that have more than 10 inputs from DA1 ORNs in the hemibrain dataset. Brown, DA1/Or67d ORN input; yellow, other ORN input; gray, non-ORN input.
(G) Optogenetic activation of lPN or lvPN in pairs of females, using constant red light, 627 nm, 8 μW/mm2 for 20 min. There was no change in female-female aggression. Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum test p = 0.27.
(H) The ratio of inputs for the same cell types as in (F). Brown, DA1/Or67d ORN input; yellow, other ORN input; gray, non-ORN input.
(I) DA1 ORN downstream cell types ordered by the number of DA1 ORN inputs per cell type; lPNs and lvPNs are not shown. Scale bars, 20 μm.