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. 2023 Aug 4;10:519. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02415-5

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Schematic and equations of energy transfers affecting sea ice. Dynamic terms are in purple; thermodynamic terms at the surface-atmosphere interface in red (the subject of the present data set), through the ice in blue, and in the ocean in green. D = ice divergence; ψ is mechanical ice redistribution function (ridging); T is thermodynamic ice growth/melt rate; L is lateral melt; u is horizontal ice velocity; τa is wind stress; τw is ocean stress; Σ is force due to ice interaction; Cf is Coriolis force; H is gravitational acceleration down ocean surface slope; F0 is net atmosphere-ice heat flux, Fs is atmosphere sensible heat flux; Fl is latent heat flux; FLD is incoming longwave (LW) flux; FLU is outgoing LW flux; FSD is incoming shortwave (SW) flux; α is the surface albedo; i0 = fraction of absorbed shortwave flux that penetrates into the ice; F0i = net ocean-ice heat flux; Fso = ocean turbulent sensible heat flux; FSWz is shortwave radiation reaching ice bottom; Fcb, Fct are the conductive heat fluxes at ice top and bottom, respectively; dh/dt = melt or growth of ice thickness.