Fig. 5. FOSL2 promotes PDAC immunosuppression.
a Violin plot showing the global FOSL2 expression level from scRNA-seq in the low FOSL2 ductal cell group and high FOSL2 group. b Volcano plot exhibited differentially expressed RNA in the high FOSL2 group vs. the low FOSL2 group. c GO term analysis showed the up-regulated signalling pathway in the high FOSL2 group compared with the low FOSL2 group. d GO term analysis showed the down-regulated signalling pathway in the high FOSL2 group compared with the low FOSL2 group. e Immunoblot showing the abundance of FOSL2 in tumour xenograft of indicated groups. f PanO2 cells transfected with Vector or oe-FOSL2 were injected subcutaneously into C57BL/6 mice. Tumour volume was monitored and measured. Data are shown as mean ± SD. ***P < 0.001. g Representative images show tumour volume in the indicated groups. h Graphical quantification of difference in tumour weight on day 21 in Vector or oe-FOSL2 cohorts. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. ***P < 0.001. i Representative flow staining of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells gated on CD45+CD3+ cells in tumour xenograft of indicated groups. j Representative flow staining of CD25+Foxp3+ Treg cells gated on CD45+CD3+ CD4+ cells in tumour xenograft of indicated groups. k The frequency of CD8+, CD4+, and Treg cells in tumour xenograft of the indicated groups. **P < 0.01; n.s. not significant.