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. 2023 Aug 5;27:308. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04592-6

Table 1.

Univariable comparisons of baseline characteristics between men and women with status epilepticus (n = 762)

Baseline characteristics Women
(n = 350)
(n = 412)
Demographics and clinical characteristics n/median %/IQR n/median %/IQR p value
Age (years; median, IQR) 70 56–81 66 53–76 0.003
Out-of-hospital SE (i.e., admitted for SE; n, %) 292 83.4 355 86.2 0.293
Admitted via other hospital (n, %) 63 18 60 14.6 0.199
SE etiology (n, %)
Presumed fatal etiology (not mutually exclusive) 92 26.3 107 26.0 0.921
Fast growing brain tumors 50 14.3 60 14.6 0.914
Acute intracranial hemorrhage 31 8.9 63 15.3 0.007
Infectious (meningo-)encephalitis 15 4.3 16 3.9 0.855
Acute ischemic stroke 11 3.1 10 2.4 0.658
Acute severe traumatic brain injury 7 2.0 23 5.6 0.014
Acute autoimmune encephalitis* 13 3.7 9 2.2 0.278
Presumed non-fatal etiology** 258 73.7 305 74.0 0.921
Known epilepsy 115 32.9 150 36.4 0.305
Unknown etiology 37 10.6 29 7.0 0.084
Consciousness at SE onset
GCS at SE onset (median, IQR) 9 5–13 8 4–12 0.073
Coma at SE onset (n, %) 127 36.3 174 42.2 0.094
SE type (n, %)
Focal NCSE without coma 122 34.9 105 25.5 0.005
   With altered consciousness 93 26.6 75 18.2 0.005
   Without altered consciousness 29 8.3 30 7.3 0.005
SE with motor symptoms (convulsive or myoclonic) 183 52.3 262 63.6 0.002
   Convulsive SE 121 34.6 188 45.6 0.002
   Myoclonic SE 62 17.7 74 18.0 0.929
NCSE with coma 45 12.9 45 10.9 0.410
   NCSE with coma (non-subtle) 32 9.1 26 6.3 0.117
   Subtle SE 13 3.7 19 4.6 0.538
Illness severity (median, IQR)
STESS 3 2–4 3 2–4 0.834
Charlson Comorbidity Index 4 2–6 4 2–6 0.250
SAPS II*** 45 35–56 45 34–57 0.722

IQR = interquartile range; GCS = Glasgow Coma Score (range 3–15); SE = status epilepticus; NCSE = nonconvulsive status epilepticus; STESS = Status Epilepticus Severity Score (range 0–6)[16, 17]; Charlson Comorbidity Index (range 0–37)[18]; SAPS II = Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (range 0–163)[19]

*Acute autoimmune encephalitis was defined as the presence of antigen-specific antibodies in the serum and/or cerebrospinal fluid, or cases exhibiting a clinically recognized autoimmune syndrome with supportive histopathologic evidence determined during the diagnostic workup for SE

**Non-fatal etiology of SE encompassed (not mutually exclusive) known epilepsy (n = 265), old remote ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes (n = 127), old remote or mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (n = 18), slowly growing brain tumors (n = 31), intoxications (n = 18), drug withdrawal (n = 75), drug side effects (n = 6), leukoencephalopathy (n = 23), brain surgery (n = 9), acute but small strokes (n = 3),

***available only in patients treated on the ICUs

Bold font indicates statistical significance after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (set at a level of p ≤ 0.01)