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. 2023 Aug 5;22:125. doi: 10.1186/s12943-023-01817-8

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Splenic BVETrp53KO or BVEpTENKO leukemic cells resemble hairy cells in human HCL. A-D Differential expression of human HCL markers (CD11c and CD103) by splenic B cells of HSCVE, BVEP53−/−, and BVEPTEN−/− mice at the terminal stage of disease. Splenocytes were stained with anti-B220 and CD11c (A-B) or CD103 (C-D) antibodies and analyzed by flow cytometry. A and C show 2D plots of B220 versus CD11C or CD103. B and D show histograms and geometric means of CD11c or CD103 in B220+ populations. E The HSCVE, BVEP53−/−, and BVEPTEN−/− leukemic cells exhibited different cellular morphologies from normal B-lymphocytes. Splenic B cells isolated from HSCVE, BVEP53−/−, and BVEPTEN−/− mice at the terminal stage of disease were stained with Giemsa and imaged by a microscope. Hairy projections were observed on most BVEPTEN−/− leukemic cells, partially on BVEP53−/− leukemic cells, and rarely on HSCVE leukemic cells (Scale = 10 μm). The ratios of hairy cells in purified leukemic cells were calculated manually and represent average values from at least five samples. F HSCVE, BVEP53−/−, and BVEPTEN−/− leukemic cells highly expressed the human HCL marker, Annexin A1. Whole lysates of splenic B cells isolated from different mice strains with or without disease was measured for the expression of Annexin A1 by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot. In all experiments, splenocytes or B cells isolated from 28-week-old wild type or BVE or BVEP27−/− mice served as controls. All images are representative of at least five mice per group and three independent experiments