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. 2023 Aug 5;22:125. doi: 10.1186/s12943-023-01817-8

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Transcription factors and regulators of germinal center reaction and memory B cells versus plasma cells differentiation are severely suppressed in splenic BVETrp53KO or BVEpTENKO leukemic cells. A Expression of transcription factors/regulators that are involved in germinal center reaction and lineage differentiation of memory B cells versus plasma cells was altered in HSCVE, BVEP53−/−, and BVEPTEN−/− leukemic cells. Expression data for 20 transcription factors/regulators was extracted from the whole RNA-seq data sets of splenic B cells or leukemic cells from wild type, BVE, HSCVE, BVEP53−/−, BVEPTEN−/− and BVEP27−/− mice, and a hierarchical clustering heatmap was generated as in Materials and Methods. B-D Quantitative PCR validation of expression of transcription factors/regulators for germinal center reaction (B), memory B cell commitment (C), and plasma cell commitment (D). In all experiments, splenic B cell RNAs were isolated from mice with terminal stage disease or mice without disease at 28 weeks. All data in B-D are representative of at least five mice per group and three independent experiments. **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001; n.s., not significant