Fig. 6. Endogenous neurexin-1 organizes near the periphery of synapses and synaptic nanocolumns.
a Representative 3D dSTORM field view of surface HA-Nrxn1 (cyan) and Homer1 (red). b Nrxn1 Homer1 synaptic abundance (left) and number of SSDs (right). Distribution of Nrxn1 localization distance (c) and SSD distance (d) to the centroid of Homer1. Mean and 95% confidence interval of the Poisson fitted distribution are indicated on the graph. (e) Representative 3D dSTORM of Nrxn1 (cyan) and PSD-95 (red). f Same as (b) for PSD-95+ synapses. g Distributions of synaptic Nrxn1 and PSD-95. Nrxn1 SSDs (green spheres) opposing relative PSD-95 density (heatmap). h Average PSD-95 enrichment opposite Nrxn1 SSDs at increasing distances from the translated Nrxn1 SSD center. n = 111 synapses. i Nearest neighbor distances of Nrxn1 SSDs to PSD-95 SSDs are unchanged from randomized data. Violin plot (inset) of nearest neighbor distance, p = 0.0807; Mann–Whitney test (two-tailed). N = 225 experimental and randomized SSDs. j Same as in (h) but for nearest neighbor distances of PSD-95 SSDs to Nrxn1 SSD is modestly left-shifted relative to a randomized SSD location. Violin plot (inset) of median nearest neighbor distance is random, p = 0.0208; Mann–Whitney test (two-tailed). n = 330 experimental and randomized SSDs. Data from three independent experiments. Number of synapses indicated on the graph unless stated in the legend. Bar graphs and line graphs: average ± SEM. *p < 0.05. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.