(A) Specificity of the m-PCR method with recombinant plasmids and other pathogens; Lane 1: Escherichia coli, Lane 2: Salmonella, Lane 3: Clostridium perfringens, Lane 4: NDV-Class I and NDV-Class II, Lane 5: AIV, Lane 6: IBV, Lane 7: IBDV. M: 100 bp marker; C−: negative control; and C+: the pool of recombinant plasmids as the positive control. (B) Specificity of the KIT in uniplex-PCR method. Lane 1,2: AIV, Lane 3,4: NDV, Lane 5,6: IBV and Lane 7, 8: IBDV and M: 100 bp marker; C−: negative control. Samples were obtained from this experiment and the gels were processed in parallel. (10.6084/m9.figshare.20092559)