FIG. 6.
Far-Western and BAP binding analyses of rabies virus M fusion proteins. Identical amounts (1.0 μg/lane; shown by Coomassie blue stain) (A) of GST, gstYAPWW1 (YAP1), gstYAPWW2 (YAP2), gstDystrophinWW (DYST), gstNedd4WW2 (NEDD2), gstNedd4WW3 (NEDD3), and gstFE65WW (FE65) were immobilized onto nitrocellulose and probed with either gstRabM52WT (B) or gstRabM52Y-A (C). Identical amounts (1.0 μg/lane) of the four gstWW domain fusion proteins indicated were immobilized on nitrocellulose and probed with APRabMWT (D). mw, radiolabeled protein standards.