Figure 3.
Inhibiting tyrosine phosphorylation of PLCγ1 did not alter the fast block to polyspermy. (A) Tyrosine kinases canonically activate PLCγ through phosphorylation (P). (B) Western blots probing for tyrosine phosphorylation of PLCγ1-Y776 in X. laevis oocytes expressing PDGFR in the presence of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (G: genistein; LA: lavendustin A; D: dasantinib; left) and fertilized X. laevis eggs in the presence of inhibitors along with PDGFR-expressing, PDGF-activated oocyte control (C), and inactive analog (LB: lavendustin B; right). Eggs processed for Western blot revealed that PLCγ1-Y776 was not phosphorylated following fertilization. (C and E) Representative whole-cell recording of X. laevis eggs fertilized in the presence of (C) dasantinib (N = 9) or (E) genistein (N = 8). (D, F, and G) Tukey box plot distributions for depolarization rates (D), resting potential (F), and fertilization potential (G) in dasantinib and genistein. Middle line denotes the median value, the box indicates 25–75%, and the whiskers indicate 10–90%. Gray solid lines indicate median control values while gray dashed lines indicate the 25–75% spread of the controls. Source data are available for this figure: SourceData F3.