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. 2023 Jul 24;14:1215636. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1215636

Table 1.

Summary of the 7 subjects who underwent revision operations or procedures for residual or recurrent pulsatile tinnitus after the initial surgery.

Sex/age Side 1st surgery Causes Materials Residual/recurrent PT (duration) 2nd surgery Causes Materials Follow-up duration after the revision surgery
1 F/40 R SS resurfacing SS-div Tachocomb, T-fascia, Bone cement Recurrent (8mo) SS resurfacing Recurrent diverticulum Tachosil, T-fascia, bone cement 2 yr. 3 mo
2 F/55 R SS resurfacing SS-div/SS-deh T-fascia, Mastoid periosteum, Bone cement Recurrent (3 yr) SS reshaping Recurrent diverticulum Conchal cartilage, bone cement 4 yr. 4 mo
3 F/41 R SS resurfacing SS-div/SS-deh Bone cement Residual SS reshaping Incomplete surgical reconstruction Cortical bone chip, T-fascia, bone cement 3 yr. 8 mo
4 F/51 R JB resurfacing HJBD Bone dust, T-fascia, Conchal cartilage Residual JB resurfacing Incomplete surgical reconstruction Bone cement, T-fascia 9 yr
5 M/41 L SS reshaping SS-deh bone chip, T-fascia, bone cement Residual Transarterial embolization Concomitant ipsilesional dural AVF 9 yr
6 F/36 R SS resurfacing SS-div/SS-deh Bone wax, fibrin glue Recurrent (4 yr. 6mo) SS reshaping Recurrent diverticulum Harvested cortical bone chip, bone cement, fibrin glue 9 yr
7 M/39 R SS reshaping SS-deh Cortical bone chip, T-fascia, bone cement Recurrent (5mo) SS reshaping Residual small diverticulum Tachosil, T-fascia, bone cement 5 mo

SS, sigmoid sinus; JB, jugular bulb; div, diverticulum; deh, dehiscence; yr, year; mo, month; T-fascia, temporalis fascia; AVF, arteriovenous fistula.