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. 2023 Aug 7;18(8):e0279612. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279612

Table 4. Univariate and logistic regression analysis in patients with the Hikikomori-like idiom of distress (HLID)according to HQ-25 associated with demographic and clinical outcomes.

The presence of HLID a Logistic regression
Yes (n = 673) No (n = 856) Univariate Multivariate
Outcomes n (%) n (%) OR (p-value) OR (p-value) VIF
 Female 478 (71.0) 557 (65.1) 1.32 (0.014*) 1.09 (0.528) 1.107
 Male 195 (29.0) 299 (34.9)
Marital status:
 Single/divorced/widow 351 (52.2) 239 (27.9) 2.81 (< .001**) 1.51`(0.007*) 1.714
 Married 322 (47.8) 617 (72.1)
Age (years) 0.93 (< .001**) 0.97 (0.008**) 2.017
Education level:
 High school/below 102 (15.2) 119 (13.9) 1.11 (0.489)
 University/above 571 (84.8) 737 (86.1)
Place of living:
 Urban 224 (35.3) 356 (40.6) 0.71 (0.001**) 0.71 (0.006**) 1.010
 Rural 449 (64.7) 500 (59.4)
Socioeconomic status:
 Upper 34 (5.1) 28 (3.3) 1.51 (0.117)
 Middle 235 (34.9) 325 (38.0) 0.90 (0.333)
 Low (ref) 404 (60.0) 503 (58.8)
Living alone:
 Yes 167 (24.8) 87 (10.2) 2.92 (< .001**) 0.39 (0.3361) 3.395
 No 516 (75.2) 769 (89.8)
 Student 168 (25.0) 87 (10.2) 3.56 (< .001**) 3.34 (0.240) 3.242
 Unemployed 203 (30.2) 213 (24.9) 1.75 (< .001**) 1.72 (< .001**)
 Employed (ref) 302 (44.9) 556 (65.0)
Screen time spent on the Internet:
 >7 178 (26.4) 69 (8.1) 6.45 (< .001**) 4.50 (< .001**) 1.168
 4–7 296 (44.0) 289 (33.8) 2.56 (< .001**) 2.08 (< .001**)
 <4 (ref) 199 (29.6) 498 (58.2)
Having mental illness:
 Yes 85 (12.6) 31 (3.6) 3.85 (< .001**) 3.68 (< .001**) 1.042
 No 588 (87.4) 825 (96.4)
Family mental illness:
 Yes 158 (23.5) 145 (16.9) 1.50 (0.002**) 1.18 (0.260) 1.069
 No 515 (76.5) 711 (83.1)
Adverse Childhood Experiences^:
 Yes 496 (73.7) 417 (48.7) 2.95 (< .001**) 2.59 (< .001**) 1.085
 No 177 (26.3) 439 (51.3)
 Yes 39 (5.8) 37 (4.3) 1.36 (0.190)
 No 634 (94.2) 819 (95.7)
Drinking alcohol:
 Yes 12 (1.8) 10 (1.2) 1.54 (0.320)
 No 661 (98.2) 846 (98.8)

aHQ-25: Hikikomori Questionnaire, total score range 0–100, cut-off is 42 (Yes) and <42 (No);

^: Physical/emotional/sexual abuse;

Logistic (enter) model: Hosmer and Lemeshow (χ2 = 3.30, p = 0.914), Cox and Snell R2 = 0.204, Sensitivity = 66.4%, specificity = 73.0%, overall = 70.1%; Ref: reference point; a: OR: Odds ratio;

*, Sig. at p<0.05;

**, Sig. at p< 0.01;

VIF: Variance inflation factor, cut-off > 5 considered problematic.