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. 2023 Mar 7;2:1129587. doi: 10.3389/fnimg.2023.1129587

Table 9.

Overview of the effects of time, and group-by-time effects on white matter, in longitudinal studies of cannabis users and controls, and their association with cannabis exposure levels and other variables.

References Baseline age (yrs) Follow-up period Effect of time and group × time Brain-behavior correlations
Lichenstein et al. (2022) 20 2 yrs FA (group-by-time) lower ↑↑ cingulum in moderately extended cannabis vs control n.s. onset age, duration and frequency
Becker et al. (2015) 20 2 yrs FA (group-by-time) lower ↑↑ in SLF (next to junction with corticospinal tract), SLF (ext. to corpus callosum forceps major), superior frontal gyrus, in cannabis vs. controls. trend lower ↑↑ in corticospinal tract (adj. to precentral and postcentral gyri) and anterior thalamic radiations; superior fronto-occipital fasciculus (adj. to frontal operculum) greater ↑↑ in corpus callosum (ant.), thalamus (adj. to post.), in cannabis vs. controls. RD (group-by-time) lower ↑↑ in SLF, corticospinal tract and cingulum (post.), in cannabis vs. controls. higher ↑↑ corticospinal tract in cannabis vs. controls. neg. cor. cannabis hits/past year and FA change of corticospinal tract, SLF/corpus callosum and forceps major.
neg cor. max. frequency of cannabis hits/past year and FA change of SLF/corticospinal tract
n.s. cor. age of onset and RAVLT
Epstein and Kumra (2015) 17 1.5 yrs FA (group-by-time) ↓↓ inferior longitudinal fasciculus in cannabis and ↑↑ controls trend ↓↓ inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus in cannabis vs controls FA (time) ↓↓ inferior longitudinal fasciculus in cannabis users Neg. cor. total days cannabis use days over time and ↓↓FA of inferior longitudinal fasciculus
Jacobus et al. (2013a) 18 3 yrs FA (time) ↓↓ corpus callosum (splenium), inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, anterior thalamic radiations, uncinate fasciculus, SLF, corona radiata (ant., sup.), internal capsule (posterior limb). ↓↓ corpus callosum (genu), anterior thalamic radiations, and SLF. Pos. cor. change in global neurocognition over time and FA SLF at follow-up
Jacobus et al. (2013b) 18 1.5 yrs - Baseline ↓ FA in fornix and sup. corona radiata predicted more cannabis use days and delinquent/aggressive risk taking at follow-up.

Adj, adjacent; Ant, anterior; Cor, correlated; FA, fractional anisotropy; Mage, mean age; Max., maximum; neg, negative; n.s., non-significant Pos, positive; Post, posterior; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; Sup, superior; yrs, years; -, not reported, ↑↑ increase over time; ↓↓ decrease over time.