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. 2017 Apr;23(4-a Suppl):10.18553/jmcp.2017.23.4-a.s10. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2017.23.4-a.s10


2014 National Statistics. First-Listed Diagnosis Only: Outcomes by ICD-9-CM Code 276.7, Hyperpotassemia7

All ED Visits ED Visits with Admission to the Same Hospital Discharged from the ED
Total number of visits 76,028 35,166 40,862
ED visits with admission to the same hospital, n (%) 35,166 (46.25) 35,166 (100.00) a
Died during ED visit, n (%) 168 (0.41) N/A 168 (0.41)
Died during hospital stay, n (%) 482 (1.37) 482 (1.37) N/A

aStatistics based on estimates with a relative standard error (standard error/weighted estimate) greater than 0.30 or with standard error = 0 in the nationwide statistics (NIS, NEDS, and KID) are not reliable. These statistics are suppressed.

ED = emergency department; ICD-9-CM = International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; KID = Kids’ Inpatient Database; N/A=not applicable; NEDS = Nationwide Emergency Department Sample; NIS = National Inpatient Sample.