Figure 5.
Deconvoluted cell-type compositions. (a) Estimated cell-type proportions for each biopsied sample by AdRoit deconvolution. Each panel represents one cell type that the proportions were estimated for. Values per group are summarized in boxplot format showing median, first and third quantiles, and outliers (>1.5∗ IQR). Boxes are colored by tissue phenotype and outlined by study origin. KC denotes keratinocyte, M2_DC denotes macrophage/dendritic cell, NKT denotes NK + T cells, and SMC denotes smooth muscle cells. (b) Correlations between cell-type proportion estimates from AdRoit (X axes), compared with those from CIBERSORTx and MuSiC2 (Y axes). Ctrl, control; IQR, interquartile range.