For each patient, we reviewed the overseas location before travel to the USA, flight information, US arrival date, receiving US airport, domestic location, barrack or bay housing, and information on relatives who were also patients. Each patient was assigned a number based on the order in which they were identified and plotted by their domestic and overseas location and date of onset of rash. For two patients, the date of onset of rash could not be determined, so the date that the patient was identified is shown. Exposure and infectious periods are shown for each patient to allow for a visual comparison of potential sources of infection among patients at various locations. Two patients arrived to the USA through PHL, the rest arrived through IAD (four times the number of evacuees arrived through IAD compared with PHL). Highly probable transmission pairs are noted by black lines, with arrows indicating the direction of transmission (1→4, 3→8, and 30→28). AFB=Air Force Base. IAD=Dulles International Airport. JB=Joint Base. MCB=Marine Corps Base. PHL=Philadelphia International Airport.