Figure 2.
AR suppresses lung cancer cell progression through circ-SLCO1B7. A. The overlapping circRNAs between two studies were identified. B-C. qRT-PCR was performed to assess the expression levels of the three circRNAs in the shAR and pLKO A549 cells (B) and in the oeAR and pWPI H1299 cells (C). D. A schematic illustration was provided to demonstrate how to design the shRNA for circRNA knockdown (sh-circ). E, F. MTT assays were carried out to measure the DDP response of A549 cells transfected with shAR/shcircRNA and H1299 cells transfected with oeAR/oecirc-SLCO1B7. G. Chamber-transwell invasion assay was conducted to evaluate the invasion capacity of A549 cells after knockdown of circRNA and/or shAR. H. Chamber-transwell invasion assay was performed to assess the invasion capacity of H1299 cells after overexpression of AR and circ-SLCO1B7 (oecirc-SLCO1B7). All quantitations are presented as mean ±SD, and statistical significance was determined using the t-test, with *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 indicating significance, and "ns" representing non-significance.