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. 2023 Aug 9;18(8):e0289831. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289831

Table 2. Intervention characteristics.

Study Intervention delivery Intervention duration and frequency Engagement and compliance
AVGs only interventions
Baranowski et al. [37] Provided with Wii console, & peripherals. Choice of 1 AVG from a selection of 5 at week 1 & 7. Child-led engagement with intervention. 13 weeks. No prescribed game play duration or frequency. Console log recorded date, name and duration of game play. Children & parents recorded name of game, time of day played and who played it (only during weeks 1, 6, 7 and 12).
Graves et al. [36] Provided with 2 sets of pedometers and a device (jOG, New Concept Gaming Ltd) that linked to the child’s PlayStation 2/3 console controller and translated stepping action into the movement of game characters.
Parent- and child-led
12 weeks, no prescribed duration or frequency of play, but participants and parents were encouraged to use the jOG setup instead of usual seated inactive game play Self-reported use of intervention at 6 and 12 weeks.
Time spent on AVGs increased significantly at mid intervention compared to control (0.95 h.d-1).
Significant decrease in time spent on step-powered AVGs at end vs mid intervention (P = 0.01).
Howie et al. [38] Provided with a Playstation3 and Move and Eye input devices, an Xbox 360 with Kinect input and 11 AVGs (additional 2 games mid intervention).
Child-led where children could select the AVGs from the range provided.
Researchers provided technical support every 2 weeks.
16 weeks. Requested to complete 20 minutes a day on most days of the week. Self-reported (daily calendar) game use, physical activity and other electronic game use.
Research assistants checked self-report data every 2 weeks.
Mean AVG play of 140.3 ± 62.9 min.wk-1.
90% of participants met the minimum recommended average of 80 minutes per week.
Maddison et al. [35] Provided with Sony Eye Toy, camera, dance mat and selection of AVGs throughout the intervention.
24 weeks. Instructed to play AVGs to replace inactive periods and periods of playing inactive video games. Encouraged to meet 60 mins MVPA on most days Self-reported use of intervention at 12 and 24 weeks only.
Mean AVG play of 15.5 ± 26.3 min.d-1 at 12 weeks and 10.2 ± 23.9 min.d-1 at 24 weeks (<30% compliance with recommended daily game play)
Significant increase of 10 min.d-1 in time spent playing AVGs l (P<0.01).
Mark and Rhodes [24] Provided with a gamebike (Cat Eye Electronics) that could control games on a PlayStation 2 (they were loaned a PlayStation if they didn’t have one) and 3 games.
6 weeks, given a copy of Canada’s PA Guide to help specify the amount of PA Self-reported logs of duration and frequency of use.
Data not provided.
Ni Mhurchu et al. [23] Provided with AVGs, EyeToy and dance mat.
Parent- and child-led.
12 weeks. Instructed to substitute usual non-active video game play with active game play. Self-reported logs of active and inactive game play at baseline, week 6 and 12.
Mean AVG play of 41 min.d-1.
Significantly greater AVG play of 41 vs. 27 minutes (P = 0.03)
Rhodes et al. [40] Provided with exergame bike (Hogan Health interactive system and Sony Playstation3 that could be linked to a TV monitor) and 5 games.
13 weeks, 3 days a week, 30 minutes a day, at 60–75% of heart rate reserve Self-reported logs of duration and frequency of use.
Mean AVG play of 74.4 min.wk-1 (week 1, ~82% compliance), 19.7 min.wk-1 (weeks 3–9, ~22% compliance), and 7.8 min.wk-1 (weeks 10–13, ~9% compliance).
AVGs plus other component interventions
Errickson et al. [41] Provided with PlayStation 2 console, dance AVG and 2 padded dance mats.
Initial in-home coaching to demonstrate the game.
Series of individual coaching sessions for intervention sub-group.
Families received ongoing technical support from staff.
Children were provided with a camera to photograph high game scores
10 weeks. Prescribed 120 minutes of game play a week over at least 4 days.
No restrictions around additional game play.
4 x 45 min coaching sessions for sub-group
Console log of number of songs and the highest grade for each song—two-thirds of memory cards were returned.
Self-report log of total minutes.
% completion of self-report log = 67% and 72% at week 1 and week 10 for IG1, and 82% and 41% at week 1 and week 10 for IG2.
Mean weekly range of AVG use = 64 to 149 min.wk-1 (IG1) and 47 to 184 min.wk-1 (IG2).
Mean AVG use for both groups declined from 164 min.wk-1 (week 1) to 64 min.wk-1(week 10).
AVG use greater for IG2 vs. IG1 during first 5 weeks only (P<0.001).
Maloney et al. [42] Provided with PlayStation 2 console, dance AVG and 2 padded dance mats (child-led).
Series of 1:1 coaching sessions for intervention sub-group (coach-led)
Provided with handout about operation of the game and tips for improving skills.
Children were provided with stickers and a camera to log progress.
Staff were contactable for technical support.
10 weeks. Prescribed 120 minutes of game play a week over at least 4 days.
No restrictions around additional game play.
5 x 30 min coaching sessions for sub-group.
Self-report log of total minutes played. Console logged number of songs.
Mean AVG play of 89 ± 82 min.wk-1 (~74% compliance).
Mitchell et al. [43, 44] Web-based game-like physical therapy (Mitii) delivered in the home using a computer with webcam.
Physical activity games interspersed with upper-limb and visual-perceptual games. Included sequences of repetitive functional exercises (e.g. alternate lunging, squatting).
Therapists provided ad-hoc technical support and encouragement via telephone.
20 weeks. Received 30 minutes daily for 6 days a week. Intensity based on baseline measurements and level of physical difficulty of games adjusted remotely by therapists, based on performance and feedback from participants and parents. The number of participants regularly logging in steadily declined throughout the program, with 23% of participants logging in at the end of the intervention.
Treatment dose automatically recorded by the program and monitored by therapists.
Mean compliance of 54% of the potential dose.
Rubin et al. [45] Parent-led curriculum of 96 preplanned PA sessions including playground games and AVGs. Provided with Wii Fit Plus and Just Dance 2 and 3 AVGs, and physical activity equipment (e.g. balls, hoops, hurdles, and cones).
Regular telephone support for parents.
24 weeks. 4 days a week. Aiming to progressively achieve 25–45+ minutes of PA a day. Parent completed checklists for playground activities—Parent and child rated the level of enjoyment and difficulty of activities completed and total duration of the session.
Overall intervention compliance was 86.7%.
Staiano et al. [47] Provision of Kinect and Xbox 360 console with four AVGs, a step tracker (Fitbit Zip) and a standardized curriculum booklet (child-led).
Regular telehealth (video) sessions with fitness coaches (coach-led)
3 x AVGs sessions per week for 24 weeks. Curriculum guided increases in intensity and duration up to 60 mins per session. Participants were supported by parents to record exergame play start and stop time for each challenge in the booklet. Compliance with prescribed duration—94.4%
Compliance with prescribed frequency—88.5%.
Steps/day recorded via a Fitbit Zip and reviewed by a fitness coach.
Compliance to telehealth sessions was 92.7%.
Non-AVG interventions
Tuominen et al. [48, 49] Movement to music video (focused on improving motor coordination, muscle strength and aerobic fitness) via DVD or YouTube.
Parent- and child-led.
8 weeks, instructed to complete videos every other day for 30 minutes Parent completed diaries in week 1 and final week.
Data not provided.

AVG = active video game

AVG = active video game; IG1 = intervention group 1; IG2 = intervention group 2.

AVG = active video game